Six Degrees of Lar’s Clothing

When Lar moved to Scotland, not only did her closet size shrink significantly, her mindset towards clothing changed. She realized that she didn’t need a giant closet full of items that she only wore once or twice. She also decided to take an ethical approach to shopping and she’s done a bang-up job walking the talk. Let’s just say I’m, uh, working on it.

The other day I was looking back at some old posts and realized how much Lar really does stick to her buy less, thrift more mentality. Here are a few examples, or what I like to call, the “six degrees of Lar’s clothing”:
Clothing math

Did you follow that? I gave her that black H&M jacket. I’ve had it for years and left it for Lar last time I was visited her in Scotland because 1) it was summer back in Atlanta and I couldn’t imagine wanting a jacket upon returning and 2) it clearly looks a million times better on her than it does on me!

While I’m not a fan of her hiking boots – and tried to convince her not to buy them – she gets a lot of use out of them when hill walking around the Scottish countryside. Hiking boots: 1, Cath: 0.

Lar and I each have a pair of those black Frye boots – totally worth the money. We purchased them via Shopbop a few years ago and have worn them so much that they’ve been re-heeled and re-soled multiple times.

I love how Lar paired her color block shirt with black and additional pops of color both times. I would have never thought to wear colorful tights with that top. I would have just worn black, black and more black!

Shoe math

Lar found those Mary Jane heels and pink dress at two local charity shops near her flat in Edinburgh. Those are both items that I wouldn’t have picked up in a million years and she looks fantastic in them. She bought the Mary Janes for a prohibition party last year and then wore them to the vintage car rally to complete her lady-like look. For a more updated approach, she paired her thrifted pink dress with some sexy strap-y sandals for her birthday dinner.

I feel so inspired to cull through my closet and get rid of everything I haven’t worn in the past month – and then only focus on buying a few nice pieces or trendy thrifted pieces. How about you? Do you follow Lar’s philosophy of less is more? Or are you like me: wanting for follow Lar’s philosophy, but not actually doing it? I have a feeling I’m not alone!


Dear Readers,

Instead of writing to Lar like I do at the end of all my posts, I’m writing this as a kind of post script to you – not sure if that makes any sense. Anyhow, I wanted to let you know that for the past two days Lar has been in the hospital in Edinburgh. She’s being treated for what the doctors think is a kind of pelvic infection. It’s pretty serious and it took over a day to diagnose her. It’s related to her endometriosis and she’s been in a lot of pain for the past few days. Needless to say, I’ve been going absolutely crazy not being by her side. I’m so grateful she has such a wonderfully supportive husband. Matt has been with her the whole time and has been sending me and my parents constant updates. If I had the money, I’d fly over to Edinburgh this very minute to go see her. Damn you, Atlantic Ocean!

All of this is to ask you to send positive thoughts her way. While I think and hope the worst is over, things are still unclear. Any bit of support would make the world of difference.

Thanks for being there.

xoxo, Cath

21 thoughts on “Six Degrees of Lar’s Clothing”

  1. She’s doing a great job of thrifting and being so conscious of that. I need to do a better job of that. I am also sending positive thoughts her way. I was emailing with her, but didn’t realize how serious it is. But I deal with these things with humor. Tell her we all love her!

  2. I hope Lar will recover soon! I’m sending positive thoughts to her, but also to you and your parents!

    1. Thank you, Celine! My mom just flew into Edinburgh this morning to be with her, which I think will help make her feel better. She was in surgery today and we should know more soon.

  3. First, I’m really sorry that you can’t be with your sister when she’s ill. I know what that’s like when you just want to drop everything and make sure she’s okay. I really hope everything turns around quickly!

  4. Poor Lar, I’m sending her loads of positive thoughts and hope she feels better soon!

    She does a fab job of walking the walk, very good, I have great admiration for that. I think that I am generally more like you, I have good intentions but don’t always follow through in the best way, I do go through phases where I am much more conscientious, but I definitely have a tendency towards being a bit wishy-washy.

    1. Yep, wishy-washy is the best way to describe it. I’ll go through a period where I’ll try not to buy anything or at least spend my money on ethically made items and then I’ll see some shiny in a store and all of my efforts go out the window!

    1. Amanda, prayers are of course welcomed! I’m not very religious so I always feel hypocritical asking for others to pray. But it means so much that you are praying for Lar. Thank you!!

  5. I love how items were reworked. I’m trying to work on my hoarding tendencies, especially with shoes, but my self control is nonexistent!

    My thoughts are with Lar and your family; please keep us updated on her progress.

    1. I have major self control issues when it comes to clothes. I can do really well for about a month and then a store like H&M will have a great sale and I can’t resist.

      Currently, Lar is in recovering from surgery. I’ll add an update when I know more!

  6. 1. I’m moving to NYC and have gotten rid of 80% of my things, which has been hard for me because I hoard things that are of significance. Especially clothing and I do have clothing I’ve owned for years I wear once or twice a year. My new place has no closet and I need only the necessities. Oy!

    2. Oh no! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Lar. I’m so sorry you two are going through this especially being so far from each other. My dad was in the hospital in Europe for a few weeks when I was younger and it was so hard. Please keep me informed.

    1. I don’t know if I could get rid of 80% of my stuff. I would love to, but am not confident I could really do it – so I’m impressed. Do you feel a whole lot better now that you only have the necessities?

      I’ll add a full update on Lar once I know more. My mom flew over to the UK last night, which helps put my mind at ease, but I wish I could be there with her!

  7. Sending positive thoughts to Lar and you, too, Cath. I know you must be going stir crazy. Hang in there!
    As for thrifting, I got into buying all (most?) my clothes second hand when I lived in the UK, but since moving back to the States, I’ve dropped the ball a bit. The thing is, as you know, it’s so easy to find awesome thrifted clothes in the UK what with all the charity shops. Do you know of any good thrift stores here in Atlanta?

    1. Thanks for the positive thoughts! I have been going absolutely crazy. If I didn’t have so much work, I would just curl up in a little ball on the couch, watch Jane Austen movies and cry until I knew Lar was better. Thankfully, I think she really is on the mend, so I’m feeling a little more stable!

      It’s definitely much easier to find good second hand items in the UK. If only Atlanta had half as many charity shops as a typical high street! I don’t have a top favorite in Atlanta, but I’ve had some luck at Last Chance in Decatur, Second Life and Finders Keepers in Avondale Estates, and Goodwill in North Lake.

  8. Get well soon, Lar!! I love popping tags at the thrift shop. I enjoy mixing thrifty finds with updated pieces. I feel like I edit, edit, edit my wardrobe constantly and purge things that I don’t wear consistently. I find that by doing this, I am able to get dressed quicker and yet I get more compliments.eventhough I rotate the same pieces!

  9. I hope Lar is doing much better today, and I can only imagine what you must be going through too Cath. I’m thinking of both of you! (And on a completely superficial note, I love what you’ve done in this post with the six degrees thing, what a cute idea!)


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