A Perfect Saturday

Does that title sound too saccharine? Apologies if it does. My Saturday wasn’t pink princess/magic unicorns/rainbows perfect – I did have a meltdown for about an hour in the afternoon – but it was all around a pretty great, perfectly lovely Saturday.

One of the main reasons it was a perfect Saturday: it was warm enough outside for me to go frolicking about in a t-shirt without a jacket (recognize the t-shirt design?).
skipnwhistle shirt

Hipster dog t-shirt c/o Skip N’ Whistle • The Limited skirt (ancient) • Feiyue sneakers • Claire Vivier Messenger Bag • Marc by Marc Jacobs cat eye sunnies • Nail color is Butter London Jasper c/o Buff in Inman Park

Because of the warm weather I didn’t have to blow dry my hair. Instead, I slicked it back into a braid clump. . . thing. . . I’ve got to think of a better name for this hair style. . .

hair braid

Troy and I slept in so late that we had to call around and see who was still serving breakfast. Huzzah for Oakhurst Market! Troy begged them to make us two breakfast sandwiches even though it was well past breakfast/brunch time. So our first real activity of the day consisted of us walking the dogs over to the market, sitting outside and stuffing our faces with croissant, cheese, bacon and egg deliciousness.

Claire Vivier purse

Next up: taking the dogs to the dog park. Somehow taking the dogs to the park makes us feel like we’re good, responsible dog owners – and then we feel like complete failures when our dogs won’t go play with the other dogs and just prefer to hang out near us.

dog park

Not pictured here is our second half of the day (except for this IG). We ended the evening with a trip to the General Muir, a local delicatessen/restaurant that is amazing! Troy and I must have spent at least three hours there chatting up the bartender, ordering drinks and munching on so much food that we had to roll ourselves back to our car. Needless to say, our walk to and from the dog park and market in the morning was not nearly enough to balance out the thousands of calories we consumed at dinner, but it was worth it. If you live in or near Atlanta and haven’t been to the General Muir, what are you thinking?!?! Get over there now! I wish someone had told me how amazing it was weeks ago (it’s only been open for about a month or two)!


Dearest Lar,

I can’t decide at which moment I missed you the most on Saturday. It was either during my trip to General Muir because I know how much you would have loved the atmosphere and amazing food (four words: homemade ice cream sandwiches) or maybe it was during my meltdown. I think you would have been able to talk some sense into me during my, uh, minor temper tantrum. Do you want to know what it was about? It’s actually embarrassing to type it out. I spent an hour pouting because Troy pointed out that we wouldn’t have enough time that evening to do everything we wanted/needed to do and also go to Old Navy. Yes, I wanted to go to Old Navy – don’t judge. There are a couple of things I’ve seen online that I’ve wanted to try in person and figured I’d have plenty of time to make a trip out to the store on Saturday. When I realized I wasn’t going to be able to do so, I did what every 29 year old does, I pouted – like a little brat. If you had been around you would have been able to talk some sense into me – or maybe you would have just whisked me away to Old Navy. *sigh* we’ll never know! Either way, it was definitely not one of my proudest moments.

I’m so glad we all got to talk as a family on Easter and you got to virtually knock eggs with us. Perhaps we’ll all be living closer to each other by next Easter? I hope so!

xoxo, Cath

What To Do In Munich





I highly, highly recommend putting Munich on your to-see list. It wasn’t on mine, but two of our besties live in Munich so we thought “what the hey.” Now I’m a big fan. Here’s why:

• Everyone is uber friendly (and speaks English far more fluently than me — darn these multi-lingual Europeans!)

• It’s the cleanest city I’ve ever been in

• The public transportation is dreamy! It goes everywhere, isn’t massively expensive and is also uber clean

• The bakeries. The. Bakeries. So delicious. I think I much prefer them to any french bakeries I tried in Paris last year. My new favorite? The pretzel croissant: a bit of the heft and salt of a pretzel mixed with the lighter fluff (but not too much butter) of a croissant

• Roughly a million art museums

• If you are a beer fan, it’s just as cheap as drinking bottled water

• Beautiful architecture that looks strangely much more Italian (baroque) than stereotypical Bavarian — and all these buildings are awash in subtle pastels: minty green, blushing pink, buttercup yellow.

Let us know if you have been, lovely readers! And what do you like (or dislike) about Munich. How does it compare to Berlin? I’ve always fancied a trip there too.


Dear Cath,

Seriously, your kind of city: clean, orderly, amazing public transport, beautiful and noooo cockroaches! What more could you ask for? We should brush up on our German — not because we would need it there, but to feel better about ourselves whenever you run into a German who speaks English, French and Mandarin fluently (fist shake).

If I could, I would air mail you a pretzel croissant in an instant! So many reasons why we really need a teleportation device. Argh.

Miss you oooooodles!

I Need New Pants*

I just realized that almost all of my outfit shots for the past few months have included these cobalt jeans. I either:

a.) really like them
b.) haven’t bought a new pair of pants in months (maybe a year?)
c.) am stuck in a fashion rut
d.) all of the above

If you chose D, you’re right! Option C might be a bit of a stretch (they aren’t yoga pants after all), but they’re more comfortable than most jeans. So there you have it, I need new pants. At least my consistency has proven how versatile these ankle jeans are. I’ve paired them with navy and white stripes, leopard print and chambray. In the following photos, I’m wearing them with shades of blue and black and white accents:

navy J.Crew jacket

J.Crew jacket • Club Monaco blouse • necklace from Shopbop a few years ago • Target belt • J.Crew Outlet jeans • Office loafers • Saddleback Leather bag

I wore this outfit at the Coco Rae Madewell event on Saturday. These photos were taken before the event, so my nails aren’t painted with the new AsianCajuns Double Mint polish (seen here).  Speaking of which, you can now order AsianCajuns Double Mint online! I purchased a few bottles this weekend to send to Lar so she can paint her finger nails a cheery, spring color (something that’s very much needed in a cold, gray location like Edinburgh).

target neon belt

Office loafers

cobalt jeans
Money is tight, so if I’m going to buy new pants it has to be on the cheap. Here are a couple feasible options:

Ponte Knit Skinnies (in Cobalt of course) – $17.80
• Brightly colored skinny jeans – $22
Easy Tuck Tapered Pants – $19.90
Peg pants – $30.52
Grey Snake Print Skinny Pants – $25.60

Do you know of any other cheap, online stores? If so, send them my way. I need to get out of my cobalt jean rut obsession!

* I realize that our British readers might have a little chuckle at this title. Just know that I’m talking about trousers – not pants! I don’t ever want to say never, but it’s pretty unlikely that I’ll ever have a blog post titled, “I Need New Underwear.”


Dearest Lar,

I think it’s so funny that you’ve been living in the UK for over a year and already think “pants” means underwear. “Trousers” sound way too formal. What do you call yoga pants? Yoga trousers?

I’m putting together a package for you with mom and I’ll make sure to include a bottle of AsianCajuns Double Mint. Is there anything else that you would like me to include? Burt’s Bees lip balm? Corn tortillas? American mags? Just let me know!

Always thinking of you,


TGIF Link Love

Images found on my mom’s Pink Friday Pinterest board

Lar will be spending her weekend shivering in Munich while I shiver in Atlanta (where is spring?!). What are your plans for the weekend? I hope a nice warm trip to the beach – at least that’s what I’ll be yearning for, plus a few of the items I have linked below.

• If only this Doo.Ri skirt was $1,250 cheaper.

• Reading this post on boyfriend jeans makes me want buy these.

• I fell in love with this leather, laser cut Club Monaco skirt when I saw Jessica wearing it on her blog, then I found this vegan version. So tempted to get it!

• I’m currently watching this on Netflix. Lar and I are huge fans of the show, because we’re giant, anglophile nerds.

• Thanks to Miso Izakaya’s amazing seasonal salad, I’m now on a kale salad kick. I’m going to try making this salad on Saturday – I just got back from the farmer’s market with kale and swiss chard, nom.

• Dogs who just can’t handle it – #19 is my favorite. Thanks for the laugh, Katie!

• H&M has Beyonce and sustainability in the bag.

Follow me on Keep.com, if you’d like.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Twin Take: The Blue Sweater



Cath and I very rarely dressed alike when we both lived in Atlanta together. But wearing the same thing now that we are 4391 miles apart (who’s counting?) makes me feel at least a smidge closer to Cath. Twin power . dressing!

We didn’t plan a whole outfit together — just one item. In this case it was a blue Uniqulo sweater from a few years ago. Cath accessorized with red lippie, a dashing hat and stripes. I swaddled my torso in the sweater and tucked it in a skirt to create a faux wrap-dress. The outfits look completely different even though the essentials are similar: black skirt, booties, and a long gold necklace. What a difference 4391 miles makes! (sniff, sniff).

twin-necklaces twin-outfits cath-hat


Dear Cath,

We’ll be on our way to Munich when you read this. It’s 4774 miles from Atlanta — so a few hundred miles further away — harumph. But I will totally What’s App you when we get there and take photos of beer gardens and fairy-tale castles and Alex and Dexin!






Favorite Things

Happy belated St. Patrick’s Day! Did you celebrate? Troy played at a local pub and then we stuffed ourselves with corned beef and cabbage. Instead of showing you pics of me wearing green and slobbering over corned beef, I figured I’d blog about some things that I’m loving at the moment:

1.) I got these Crate and Barrel bookends at the Atlanta Hospital Hospitality House Bargainanza on Saturday for $6.


2.) A few beauty items I’ve been using nonstop: Eos lip balm in Sweet Mint (it’s 95% organic and paraben-free), Revlon Lip Butter in Peach Parfait, and L’Oreal BB Cream – it works just as well as more expensive primers.

revlon lip butter

3.) If you follow AsianCajuns on Facebook, you would know that I was debating about getting this pouch on Mikkat Market. Troy surprised me the other day by ordering it for me 🙂

faux chanel pouch

4.) At $28, this BKR bottle was a big splurge for me, but I use it everyday and love it. It’s glass – so there’s no worries about BPAs and it’s diswasher safe. Also, it says, “It’d be really great if you had your shit together a little more” right next to a giant heart. What’s not to love?

BKR Water Bottle

5.) I bought this wooden try from the same charity sale as the Crate and Barrel bookends – it was only $2! I’ve placed it by my front door so I can drop my phone and keys (and AsianCajuns name necklace) in there as soon as I walk inside.

wooden tray

So there you have it, some consumerism on the cheap!

I hope you all are having a great Monday!


Dearest Lar,

I never thought to ask you yesterday while we were skyping, but I assume St. Patrick’s Day isn’t celebrated in Scotland. Is that right? Do the local pubs have a run on Guinness?  Probably not!

I was at a restaurant on Saturday and there was a woman wearing an Edinburgh Castle shirt at the table near us. I wanted to run up to her and say, “My sister lives very close to the castle!” But I thought better of it, which is probably for the best.

Have fun in Munich. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

xoxo, Cath

TGIF Link Love


• What we’ll be reading this weekend: the latest issue of Gentlewoman

• Make like an AsianCajun and celebrate Holi in Lafayette, Louisiana on March 30!

• I so wish I was going to be in the states for this book tour. Tell me you guys are going to see Maddie on Things.

• How Cath and I want to dress for spring.

• Can’t wait for your first glass of rosé as the weather warms? Turns out it’s good year ’round. (Psst, I did the illustration for this article).

• What are we going to do without Google Reader *sob*? Maybe become legit bloggers by finally getting on Bloglovin (hence our link at the bottom of this post!). Also, here are 6 alternatives.

• The easiest kale salad recipe ever.

• This is something we can get behind: The 10-Year Hoodie. It’s made to last a lifetime.

• Parks and Rec fans, I give you the Ron Swanson quilt.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Cath is in Redbook’s April Issue!


This is the pic of Cath that’s in the latest Redbook. Taken by the oh-so-talented Cameron of Atlanta Street fashion, Cath is featured with a number of other lovely ladies from around the world who show you how to rock blue jeans (jeans that are blue?). See the rest of them here.



Dear Cath,

1) This makes me miss you like whoa.

2) I love how Redbook features a diverse range of street stylers — not just fashionistas/modelistas. There needs to be more of that on the intertubes and in mags.

3) Must get me a pair of cobalt jeans — and a Wheatie.

Miss you like mad!





New Shoes for the Spring

chambray and blue jeans

Thrifted top (from Lar) • J.Crew Outlet jeans • Kate Spade bag • new! BC wedges

One of my main new year’s resolutions is to stick to a strict budget so I can save up enough money to see Lar again as soon as possible. For the past couple of months, that’s meant buying very little apart from necessities. I’m not going to lie, it’s been hard. I never thought I was a huge clotheshorse to begin with – especially compared to all the other amazingly prolific fashion bloggers out there – but now I realize I use to spend a fair share of my budget on clothes and accessories. So for the past few months, I’ve only purchased one dress(Prabal Gurung for Target dress) and a handful of jewelry from Forever 21. . . until last week, that is. Sq/Ft, one of my favorite local boutiques, was not only having a sale, they were also offering a deal on Scoutmob!

BC shoes

My inner non-saving, clotheshorse got the best of me and I purchased these black BC wedges. I was in luck though because they were marked down from $80 to $36. Not bad, right? They’re very comfortable and like a spring version of this winter’s ubiquitous wedge sneaker. I’d add a link to them online, but I can’t find them on the BC website. If you live locally and you want to purchase them, Sq/Ft still had quite a few pairs left.

Update: My cousin found the shoes on Amazon.com here. They’re around $70 and there are four colors to choose from. I think the mint version is gorgeous. Thanks for the link, Kelly!

black wedge slipons

The weather this weekend was gorgeous and definitely warm enough for me to try out my new kicks. Troy and I walked the dogs to the local market and it was marvelous. If I didn’t have so much school work, I would have wanted to go on a picnic and stuffed myself with wine and cheese.

rolled sleeves


Wheatie would have preferred a picnic too.

Hope you all are having a good Monday!


Dearest Lar,

I wish you could have flown home for this weekend so you could have enjoyed the warm weather! I can’t believe I was frolicking about in 60 degree weather and you had snow this morning in Edinburgh. At least it was the start of daylight savings today so now we’re only four hours apart – woohoo!

Love, Cath

TGIF Friday Link Love: My Spring Wish List

Happy Friday and International Women’s Day! I’m mixing things up a bit and doing my spring wish list for this week’s link love. I tried to get Lar to create her own wish list, but her anti-consumerism got the best of her. Stay strong, Lar! 
Spring Wish List


1.) The perfect spring/summer dress.

2.) The summer version of the classic button-up chambray shirt.

3.) A beautiful ring for less than $150.

4.) There’s something so feminine and ballet-ic about this cami.

5.) Neon khakis seems oxymoronic, but also ingenius.

6.) The clutch that goes with everything.

7.) The perfect flats for work.