Catching Up

Dearest Lar,

It’s been waaaay too long since I’ve posted. You’ve kept me up to date with everything going on in your life with your wonderful posts – cheese! a perfect Sunday, trams, and Calton Hill – but I haven’t done the same.

However, in between starting classes for the summer, closing on a house, packing and moving, I still managed to take some pics over the past few weeks. I owe you lots of posts, so I figured I start with one with lots of photos!

It’s been so hot here that all I want to wear is summer dresses. I’m tempted to buy a handful of cheap dresses for this season, but I can’t spend any money this summer on clothes (all my money and then some will be spent on house stuff). So a few weeks ago I wore this oldie but goodie:

HM summer dress
 H&M zebra dress • Marc by Marc Jacobs sunniesAsh wedges • Sole Society clutch

Neon clutch copy

A week before the move, Troy and I took a break from packing and spent the afternoon in Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward neighborhood (future home of the Atlanta streetcar coming soon!):

Old Fourth Ward

street art

We had lunch at Illegal Food located in Joystick Gamebar and look what was on the wall (nerd alert):

Illegal Food

I haven’t had much downtime, but I’ve been trying to squeeze some time in to read The Pink Suit by Nicole Mary Kelby. It’s a fictionalization of the seamstress that made Jackie Kennedy’s famous suit and it’s been the perfect summer read. Kelby goes into detail about the different fabrics and types of seams the main character uses – which I love to read about even though I hate sewing.

The Pink Suit

Right before we moved, Troy made a batch of the most delicious watermelon mojitos: fresh watermelon juice, simple syrup, mint, Four Roses bourbon, and gin. Yum!

watermelon kentucky mojito

Ali has her wedding photos up online by Once Like a Spark that you can check out since you couldn’t spend a couple thousand and fly back home for it 😉 Here’s one of me and Troy (and Greg off to the left) dancing. I wish you had been there!


Now on to photos of my house! The move probably took us around 4 days with mom and dad, and all of our amazing friends helping. Seriously, if it was just up to me and Troy, the 2 mile move would have taken us weeks! In addition to moving all of our furniture (including a ridiculously heavy music studio console), in the past few days we (Troy and I, family and friends – and some hired help) have unpacked more than half of our stuff, cleared out the overgrown backyard, scrubbed the house from top to bottom, installed my new Ikea chandelier, caulked both showers, reinforced the crawl space door, sold the ridiculously heavy music studio console, and replaced a toilet seat.

I’m desperate to decorate, but there’s still so much unpacking that has to be done! Here’s what the house looks like so far:

The living room – it’s so much bigger than my last living room. I don’t know what to do with so much space! I think it might be the size of your whole flat.

moving_living room

The second bedroom doesn’t have a closet (it was converted into the master bathroom) so for the time being, this bedroom is going to be my closet! Ideally I’d like to streamline my clothes enough where I won’t need a whole room to house all of my clothes. Plus, eventually I want to use this room as our guest bedroom, but I don’t have an extra bed at the moment, so until that changes, it’ll be my walk -in closet.


I threw a bunch of things on this table – so it’s not properly styled – in my closet and then realized that it looks kind of cool. I’ll fix it up a bit, but I love the wire of the hat stand (which I think is yours) and the vintage fan.

moving_vintage fan

Our bedroom – this is probably the neatest it’ll ever look. Pretty soon my side table/lamp thingy will be piled high with mags and books – and dog fur. I’d love to put a great piece of artwork over the bed, but I don’t have one that will work. Maybe I can convince my amazingly talented twinie to paint me something (hint, hint).


Mom brought over her label maker the other day and I went a little crazy with it:


I can’t wait for you to see the house in person in a few months. I hope it’ll look much better by then and the third bedroom won’t be piled high with boxes. Who knows, maybe I’ll even have a guest bed 🙂

I promise my next post will be in a few days and not so hodge-podge as this one.

I miss you so much and wish you could be with me in person during this crazy house-buying/moving process, but getting to see you in August is almost as good!

xoxo, Cath

11 thoughts on “Catching Up”

  1. Dear Cath,

    And this is why we have to keep this here (EIGHT YEAR OLD) blog going. even with skype and instagram and email I don’t get to see all this and feel like I’m there!!!

    It’s a bit heart breaking too though. For instance, you saying that zebra dress is an oldie makes me realise just how much time we’ve spent apart. I’ve only ever seen that dress in blog posts, never in person. That makes me want to rip my hair out in despair. Normal, right?

    And whenever I see pics of your house I get the urge to sob. Not a tear glistening in my eye. Just the sob sound made by Emma Thomason in Sense and Sensibility and then confused crying. I feel so silly, but this seems such a huge moment/time for you (and Troy) and having it via the interwebs seems so wrong.

    I can usually skate by and pretend all is normal and this living overseas thing only wrenches my heart if I stop too long to think about it, but the pics of your house reach out and give an almighty tweak! Ouch!

    All to say please don’t stop putting pics up — lots and lots of pics okay? Painful tugs are way better than not getting to see any of it. How else would I know your fridge drawer says “We Can Pickle That.” (SOOOBB gahhhhhhhh).

    I know you will be really busy with school work and workity work but do keep taking lots of piccies please. And 1) please do a hair tutorial for me (you can do big swirly waves so well — today I curled my hair with my straightening and it looks like something a cat chewed on). 2) Can Troy make me a virgin watermelon mojito when I come home? 3) Look the piccie of you guys at Ali’s wedding!

    Miss you like your shelves miss your label maker!


  2. Gah! I can’t wait to come see it! I’m so excited for you! And I absolutely LOVE the cheerful photo of you and Troy from the wedding! And love to you, Lar! We can’t wait for you to come home to play!

    Hugs to my Loveh-Lees!


  3. I agree with everything you wrote! I love being able to stay in touch with you via AsianCajuns. Skype just doesn’t always cut it, you know?

    I wish so badly that you were here with me! It does seem strange that my twinie isn’t with me during one of the biggest decisions/changes of my life.

    I promise you I will continue to put photos up! And I will get around to a hair tutorial, although I have yet to find the trick to really keep the waves in for longer than 4 hours – I probably don’t use enough product.

    Yes Troy can make you a virgin watermelon mojito – it will mostly just be a watermelon/mint juice which sounds so delightful.

    Love you to bits!
    xoxo, Cath

  4. Favorite part of the post? You Can Pickle That fridge label. We were made for each other. Only thing better would have been a label that says Milk, Eggs, and Fabric Softener

  5. Cath! Look at you goooooo!

    You’ve been such a busy bee recently. I had no idea that you and Troy had kicked all this New House stuff into such a high gear. I can’t wait to see the place and give you all congratulatory hugs and high fives.

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