Rah Rah Lady Gaga!


Some of you may have heard that we like (okay, love) Lady Gaga. For example here, here and here. And this past Monday night we got to see her live at the Fox Theater downtown – woot! Needless to say, the Haus of Gaga put on an amazing show.


Photo courtesy of the AJC.

I wasn’t crazy about the openers, but Gaga’s two-hour long show didn’t disappoint.


The outfit above was one of my favorites. To sum up her wardrobe: cone bras, sequins, light-up blazers, lots of skin, leotards and a giant feather collar. Her dancers were awesome and Lar and I loved her performance art videoes in between songs.


Me, Matt and Lar.

Lar and I forgot our camera so we didn’t take outfit photos, but rest assured we wore plenty of glitter and shiny bobbles. It was fun seeing other Lady Gaga fans all dressed up. We saw a couple of Bad Romance-inspired crown heads and two girls totally rocking the leotard with fishnets look.


Nate, Lar and Mike.

After the concert we headed over to Blakes in midtown and ended the night with a trip to Waffle House. All in all, a perfect Gaga-licious night.

(All other photos courtsey of Nate the Great)

26 thoughts on “Rah Rah Lady Gaga!”

  1. let me just say that i am SO FREAKIN JEALOUS!!! i bet her show was absolutely amazing. i love me some lady gaga.*sigh*

    i wish the two of you (and lady gaga) a very happy new year!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. OH my gosh I am so jealous!! Her closest show to me got canceled so I totally missed out! Was that an arena? It looks like a cathedral or something! So cool, I would love to see her live!

    1. The Fox is this gorgeous old theatre that looks like a fancy arabic market on the interior- you must come visit, Heidi and we’ll take you there!

  3. aww very neat! i was supposed to see her in nyc but i can’t make it bc i’ll be back at school and busy with classes and work i’m sure. but it’s okay, she still totally gives me a boost at the gym! her music is great to work out too! :]
    happy new years to both of you!!! xx

  4. me again girls.
    so, i totally had a lady gaga dream last night. it was actually really weird and i think one of you were in it too (but i can’t even say which one b/c i STILL can’t tell the two of you apart).
    but basically i missed a plane and had to take a bus and one of you were there and my one friend from college.and on the bus was chelsea handler (from E!), bethanny frankel (from real housewives of NY), and of course lady gaga. and then lady gaga started to perform on the bus. and she gave me a white hat that she was wearing that looked like a high heel or boot or something. hahaha. so bizarre i know. but so wonderful at the same time. ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. W.O.W. sounds like you guys had a fabulous time! I’m jealous. I wish Lady Gaga would extend her tour and make a stop in Hawaii!!! Hope you two are having a fabulous 2010. Take Care!! Love & Aloha.

  6. oh.my.goodness. you do not know how badly my gf and I wanted to see this show!!! i am so so jealous ๐Ÿ™‚ glad you enjoyed it-but you didn’t like Kid Cudi so much? hm, really wanted to catch him as well.

    ps//i know we’ve said this before but we should FOR REAL meet up. said gf and I (she reads y’alls blog and adores) would really like to grab some dinner or whatev. don’t know what you two are doing this weekend-but lets really plan a meet up (getting jealous of all the other bloggers who are meeting and such) :>)

  7. im glad you saw her-since you dig her ๐Ÿ™‚ and i gotta say your friends mustasche is way cool. nate looks a wee bit like one of the guys on gossip girl!

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