Heatwave in Scotland

This weekend it got up to 20°C! That’s 68°F (when you aren’t in the wind)! Heatwave is right! Time to break out the shorts! Oh wait, I don’t have any here in the land of wind and rain and cold. Never mind, I’ll just hack of the ends of these trousers. I now have proper attire for the five days out of the year that it gets “warm enough.”

And I am not alone in my snatched-attempts at sunbathing, the whole city of Edinburgh is with me. Any empty green space in the city becomes a sea of naked limbs idolizing the sunlight:

You can always tell the true Scots from the tourists. During our heatwave, natives wear as little as possible — I even spotted a few bathing suits (that’s right, in the grass surrounded by historic stone buildings, not beach). Tourists on the other hand are wrapped up in long-sleeves and jackets. It’s like they think it’s still chilly or something.

Oh and it’s called a heatwave because alas this “hot” weather is just temporary. We are back to our normal summer temperature of about 55°F this week, with some rain. We might get a few more “sweltering” days in August if we’re lucky. I’ll hang on to my shorts until then.


Dear Cath,

Hope you had a loverly Memorial Day weekend! I believe this is the first time in seven years that I’ve missed the Decatur Arts Festival {sniff, sniff}. I hope you bought some art and ate a funnel cake for me.

It’s too bad that the Brits don’t have remembrance day this weekend because it’s truly as if the weather wants a full three day weekend of commemoration. It’s still “hot” today (68°F is the high!), but will dip back down tomorrow and for the rest of the week.

Are you doing something fun and relaxing for the last bit of your long weekend?

Miss you like crazy!



5 thoughts on “Heatwave in Scotland”

  1. Oh my gracious, Laura! We are such wimps compared to Alaskans. I can no longer laugh at anyone in a bikini at 59°F now. 😉 xoxoxo

  2. Believe it or not I didn’t get any funnel cake!!! At the time I didn’t really want it, but now that the festival is over I regret not getting it.

    I was able to relax a little bit, but for the most part the weekend was pretty busy. I can’t wait to show you pics of my closet all reorganized!

    xoxox, cath

  3. OMG look at your pins in that photo! they look 11 feet long. so jealous!!

    Bless 20C is winter here! 🙂

    1. Queen Zelda, thanks so much — you are too sweet. My legs aren’t actually very long, but my pointing my toes (a reflex from 15 years of ballet training) I can deceive the naked eye — too bad I can’t walk around on permanent Barbie doll toes. 😉
      Where is it 20C in winter?! I want to go to there!

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