Atlanta Magazine Blogger Love

Dah-da-da-daaaahhhh!!! Hear yee, hear yee! I’ve been waiting impatiently eagerly for the past two months to blog about this blogger style feature in the April issue of Atlanta Magazine. Check out page 52 (I may or may not have the page number memorized):

That’s me on the right (of course), standing next to Eboni of The Fashionista Next Door, Jennifer of Jennysue Makeup, and Mattie of Mattieologie and Atlanta Style Bloggers.

The image is probably too small to read, but you can see the full write-up online here. The paragraph on AsianCajuns is one of the best write-ups we’ve ever had. Cathy Anderson, writer and fashion blogger (Poor Little It Girl), pulled this feature together and has made the four of us feel like rock stars.

We spent one Friday afternoon in February at an office in Inman Park for the photo shoot. It was so great getting to see Eboni again and finally meeting Mattie and Jennifer in person. They are all so gorgeous!

We had to arrive at the photo shoot hair and makeup ready. Lar is much better at make-up than me, so she coached me over Skype and then I went to Drybar to get my hair done. I wore a necklace and top from Madewell, Target belt, H&M skirt, Jeffrey Campbell heels and my AsianCajuns name necklace.

One of the best things about hanging out with fellow fashion bloggers, is that no one judges you when you whip out your camera and start taking photos of everything. My outfit? Click! Your outfit? Click! Our business cards laid out on the conference table? Click, click!

Below are just a few behind the scenes photos.

Mattie filming Eboni:


Jennifer taking a photo of Mattie filming Eboni:


Eboni is the foreground, with the talented Atlanta Magazine team in the background. That’s Cathy with the bow in her hair:


After taking what felt like a million photos, we only got a glimpse of the results on the photographer’s Mac:


It wouldn’t be a proper blogger meet-up if we didn’t exchange blogger business cards:

After the photos we spent a few minutes in front of the camera talking about fashion blogging in Atlanta. You can watch the whole video – and see me slumping in my chair for nine minutes – here.

Apart from missing Lar like crazy during the whole process, this photo shoot has been one of my best blogging experiences ever.

A big thank you to the Atlanta Magazine team, our photogs the Raftermen, Caren West PR (a little birdie told me you guys suggested us for the feature), and to Jennifer, Mattie, and Eboni for being so incredibly fun to work with!

13 thoughts on “Atlanta Magazine Blogger Love”

  1. Cath, you look marveloso! I so wish I could have been there just to meet all the other lovely ladies I’ve heard you talk about since the shoot! It makes me miss you and Atlanta so, so much!
    I don’t think there is quite the same kind of style blogger community here in Edinburgh — or it could be that I’m not out of my sweatpants enough to meet them 😉

  2. Great post, Cath. Pictures taken behind the scenes of behind the scenes pictures being taken are my favorite 🙂

    You look almost as amazing in that magazine as you do in real life! So proud.

  3. All of you are so darn fabulous! I’m envious that you all got to do that! I would love to live in that room, too. (Not the one on the coverpage of the editorial, but the one you’re shooting in wow).

    You showcase your color love so well, and of course, that signature smile that helps me tell you two apart.

    Miss your face!

    me ke aloha, Mae

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