How Martha Stewart Would Look if She Were AsianCajun

On Lar: sweater, Lands End; tee, Michael Stars; jeans, Madewell; boots, Frye
On Cath: button-up, Zara; jeans, Madewell; boots, Frye; necklace, Rockit Boutique in Decatur

Don’t these aprons look very Martha? Our mom gave us all lovely white aprons for Christmas. Next trend in fashion: aprons as day wear sans the ironic statement about being a feminist and looking like a 1950s housewife. Wear with boots and jeans instead of nip-waist dresses!


Oh, and can I just say, you guys are the most awesome readers/commenters!!! Thank you so much for all the sweet words in the last post. Matt is the most wonderful person in the world, and one day soon I will introduce him properly on AsianCajuns (not just as that guy with the mustache).

So, do you want to hear about the wedding plans? I have two options for you: 1)Eloping! Or. 2) a courthouse ceremony! Yeah, I know. everyone  has told me those are crappy ideas. It’s not that I don’t like a pretty dress and creamy delicious cake as much as the next person, but weddings scare me. Big time. So, you know, I was kind of hoping to skip that part.

Tomorrow I’m actually having a pow-wow with Cath and the ‘rents to try to work out something that doesn’t involve a courthouse clerk, but not so big or stressful that I break out in hives. But don’t fret, I’m not completely inept at all things wedding. For instance, shoes. Shoes I can do. And shoes I have done. It’s one of three things that I have figured out about the *gulp* wedding, and I’m in love. What do you guys think?

Diane von Furstenberg via Shopbop.

27 thoughts on “How Martha Stewart Would Look if She Were AsianCajun”

  1. I Love your matching aprons and boots ! I don’t think that a courthouse ceremony is bad as long as you have a nice reception. You can save the money that would have been spent on a big wedding and use it for the Honeymoon ! Most Important. You should do what will make YOU happy ! I wish you all the best in making the decision on the wedding and also Much Happiness.
    Great shoes btw.

  2. I am all for eloping, mostly because I’m not into obnoxious amounts of attention coming at me. However, a small intimate family and close friends may give you the best of both worlds. Anyway, I also have been meaning to say CONGRATULATIONS! I hope whatever you chose you are blissfully happy about it. Though, you two seem blissfully happy already from what I’ve seen.

    Also, I tried Farm Burger last weekend and it was so so delicious! Especially the sweet potato fries!

  3. I love the photos! You guys are adorable! I didn’t want a big wedding, either. So we had a small, family-and-friends-only wedding in this beautiful Victorian-style inn. Very low key and super inexpensive (being young and in grad school, we really had no choice :D) We had a close friend marry us and then had a small reception– tea style, of course. I agree with Emma, save the money for the Honeymoon!

  4. wow congratulations!! You look so happy! But then again, both of you always do 🙂

    Im not even near getting married but the whole idea of it freaks me out too. Cant you do the courthouse thing and have a small ceremony in your backyard to make the ‘rents happy?!

  5. Love the shoes. Hate the courthouse. But thats just the event planner in me. Anything you want, I’ll help with the party. Just please dont let it include fake flowers!!!

  6. Yes! LOVE those shoes!

    I was scared of the wedding part, too. We ended up getting married at an old house in Athens with about 50 guests (most of which were my family. my dad has 5 brothers & sisters). It wasn’t bad at all!

    Good luck with the planning!

  7. You two are adorable!

    And I know what you mean about weddings, I wanted to elope as well, but my fiance (now husband) wanted the whole she-bang so that’s what we did. Kind of. except we went completely untraditional and had the reception outside at a converted barn, so people could mill around and play games instead of sitting in tables and being bored to tears through endless speeches.

    Wow, this was a long comment. sorry!


  8. Congrats again! And kudos to Catherine for the chambray shirt.

    I have a good friend who is in the same predicament as you. I say get married at the courthouse and have a simple party for friends and family after. Then just go on an awesome honeymoon instead of eloping.

  9. I love the idea of eloping and having a private ceremony in a deserted island with only the waves and sun as your witnesses. Of course, that is a major fantasy; great twist on the aprons by the way!

  10. Courthouse ceremony. Give a couple of people you know a chance to be there. Part of getting married is declaring your commitment in front of the world.or at least two good friends!

  11. gorgeous shoes! you gotta get a wedding dress (or.outfit? not sure how nontraditional you wanna be) that will showcase these babies 🙂


  12. Nice aprons! I’d love to see the Asian Cajuns take their Martha Stewart impersonation one step further and show off what they can make in the kitchen while wearing said aprons. 🙂

  13. I love that both of you have the same boots! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! 🙂

    I think you guys should do a courthouse ceremony and then a fun little reception/party at one of your favorite restaurants with close friends and family. No need to go super fancy, but you want at least SOMETHING to remember the day! 🙂 And those shoes are AWESOME.

  14. You two always look adorable together and I love pics of both of you guys together!

    Lar- do whatever makes you happy! But you have to promise to share some pics with us.that is all I ask!

    Cath- looks like you won’t have to hoard any dresses for Laryou lucky dog!

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