Atlanta Goods


As Lar mentioned here, I spent the past week freezing my butt off and having fun in the Northeast (Pennsylvania, New Jersey and NYC to be exact). New York was especially brutal. Thank goodness my cousin let me borrow her coat. My whimpy, good-enough-for-Atlanta-winter wool coat just didn’t cut it in 30mph winds.

Outfit details: Genn’s Gap coat (thanks Genn!), scarf was a gift from Italy, faux Channel bag from Baghaus and Lar’s Frye boots (thanks Lar!).

I was really looking forward to the warmer weather back home only to find out that it’s been equally as cold down south all week. It’s snowing in ATL at the moment, which just doesn’t seem right. To get my mind off this dreary, cold weather, I’ll focus on a couple of things that make me happy to be back home:

This Friday, Esperanza is hosting a showing of Eddie Murphy’s stand-up comedy movie Delirious. Tickets get you into the movie AND the open bar at Midtown Art Cinema (behind Trader Joe’s). While Lar and I aren’t huge Eddie Murphy fans, we are huge Esperanza fans – they support the Atlanta Zoo for goodness sakes!

Next month at Jeffrey Atlanta, Amy Flurry and Nikki Salk’s paper headpieces are going on display. I first heard about this on Refinery 29 and today it was featured Atlanta’s Daily Candy today. I can’t wait to go check it out. Jeffrey Atlanta is waaaay out of my price range, so Lar and I usually don’t venture over there, but I think this Paper Cut Project is about to change all that.

Photos courtesy of Refinery 29. Pretty nifty, no?

So all in all, despite the nasty weather, it’s great to be back home. I’d show you more outfit pics from my trip, but they all consist of this same coat, scarf and hat:

H&M hat and coat.

31 thoughts on “Atlanta Goods”

  1. Those headpieces are stunning! I love how they mirror hairstyles. fabulous idea. And great winter outfit. It’s freezing here as well. I think I need a fur hat like that!

    And wishing you both a Happy 2010!

  2. I feel you, I am terrible when it comes to cold weather dressing. I just don’t know how to do it! When I went to Seattle last month, I had such a wimpy coat too, and I’m sure it wasn’t even nearly as cold as NYC!

  3. So chic! Looks like it’s finally your turn to get snow! Apparently the UK is having the coldest winter on record.and Scotland is far worse so even though I am sure you would love to be back in Edinburgh, it’s pretty bad there at the moment!

  4. cath you look all bundled up almost like a mummy-and its my way to handle the cold too seriously i cant do this for much longer i need warmth!! envious of you going to nyc.i wanna go there too!!

    the paper art is brilliant. off to check it out now. thanks for sharing. wishing you both an amazing weekend!
    xx ediot

  5. its def insane on how cold it is in the south right now. the warmest it will be in houston today is 36. wtheck right? i am wearing my uggs today to keep my feet warm and toasty. i hate it when my feet are cold. anyways, keep warm! have a great weekend!

  6. Oh I feel you! I’ve visited up north in Jan/Feb and it definitely stops my whining about the weather here! I stopped by the Esperanza event you guys mentioned at the Graveyard a few months ? back and didn’t see you! Granted it was late and it was a “school” night.

    And ooh, the Jeffrey exhibition sounds awesome. I spend a few minutes each time I am in Phipps gazing longingly through the windows.

    1. Greenjeans, I was wondering when someone would call out my uniqlo bag! Since I was only NY for 24 hours Uniqlo was the only must-see store on my list since they have a limited about of items online. On my next NYC visit – whenever that’ll be – I’ll make sure to hit up some more indie boutiques.

  7. ahh New York! I pass that stop on the train everyday to get to school/work. You look adorable too! & I see you went to Uniqlo, one of my favorite stores!

  8. great color combo! I love that coat, and the color combo is awesome. Those paper scultures are completely phenoenal, I wonder how long it took him to make those

  9. awww, you weren’t in philly were you? if you are next time, hit me up! and yeah, those winds last weekend were RIDICULOUS!

  10. wow, and i thought papercuts were dreadful creatures i got from slicing my skin on paper or cardboard!
    yay for uniqlo (the shopping bag)
    and i love your hat!

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