Quick Weekend Outfit

It’s going to be way too hot to wear this outfit this weekend – 90 degrees this Sunday! I’m never ready for summer weather. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. If I could live somewhere that is always jacket weather, I’d be perfectly content.


BB Dakota jacket | Urban Outfitters top | Gap jeans (obviously very old) | Boutique Karma necklace | Longchamp bag | Flats, secondhand from Meredith

What’s that you say? Did I get Troy to take an outfit shot of me at our local Kroger? Uh. Yes. Yes, I did. I have no (blogger) shame. I realized my hair was looking decent when we went to the grocery store and whipped out my camera in the, ahem, beverage aisle.

I don’t really have super cute, creative weekend outfits. If I spend money on clothes it’s most likely going to be work appropriate because that’s what I have to wear 80% of my waking life. For the most part, my weekend wardrobe consists of t-shirts and jeans. I like my t-shirts baggy and my jeans slim – and my shoes flat. I’ve come the realization at the ripe old age of 31 heels are not my friend. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the way heels look and will wear them as much as I can, but after years of ballet and heel wearing, it’s time to be a little kinder to my feet.


A t-shirt with jeans might seem uninspiring, but I like having a uniform for the weekend. I might branch out at some point this summer and get a romper/jumpsuit (what’s the difference?!) to wear on weekends, but only if i can find one on the cheap. Any suggestions? H&M? F21? Let me know what your weekend uniform is.

9 thoughts on “Quick Weekend Outfit”

  1. Your uniform looks so much better than mine– which these days consists of a dress with sandals OR yoga pants, a tee, and sneakers: it just all depends on what I settle on doing over the weekend. Those flats are super cute! You are making me re-explore the world of flats. My feet just look weird to me without a bit of height!

    1. I feel the same way about my feet! I never really like looking at my feet in flats because I have super wide feet and it’s hard to find flats that don’t rub against my bunions – so glamorous, right? These flats and the JCrew flats I mentioned a few posts ago, are my go-tos because they don’t hurt at all. Also, yoga pants are the best.

  2. What about jacket-but-mostly-coat-weather-year-round? Because that’s Scotland! Seriously, I was just talking to Matt about how I have a summer jacket here — a summer jacket. That should be an oxymoron. I mean, it’s not just for those days it’s a bit chilly at night or it might rain. I wear it EVERY DAY in THE SUMMER! And sometimes I’m cold. So I also wear another jacket under that jacket.

    And 90 degrees? It’s still 50 degrees here and sometimes I still wear my gloves in the morning. Don’t talk to me about heat. I forget what that feels like ;D

    But regardless, you always look so pulled together on the weekends! My tee and jeans never look as pretty. And I love Mere’s flats! And I totally feel you. My feet do not like heels any more and I do think 10 years of pointe shoes was not the nicest thing to do to our bones.

    And your hair DOES look gorgeous!!!

    Miss you and can’t wait to talk to you this weekend!!!


    1. Ha! If you have to wear gloves in the morning, that is definitely NOT jacket weather. I think living in Scotland has confused your brain as to what really is jacket weather – heehee.

      That being said, I’m so excited to visit you in the summer because I’ll be jacket wearing non stop – woohoo!

      xoxo, Cath

  3. So, so glad you like the flats! They look much better on your foot than they ever did on mine.

  4. Cute outfit. I love those flats! I definitely agree with you about wanting to live where it is jacket weather all the time. It is so much easier to be fashionable in fall weather, in my opinion!

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