This Week: KonMari Method and Curly Hair

St Giles
Lovely St. Giles on a blue-skied day in Edinburgh

Hi Cath!

I’m so sorry things have gone quiet on my end. As you know, outside of work, most of my brain power has been used on two things:

• Becoming a tidying disciple of this book

• Figuring out what to do with my “new” curly hair

Those must seem like luxuries to you as busy as you are: full-time work, two work-heavy classes at night, saving for your surgery, taking care of your pups and your fam, your new house, going to the gym. I seriously don’t know how you do it.

Since I only do about 32% of what you do, I’ve had time to throw myself into Marie Kondo’s method of discarding and then arranging your house AND watch endless Youtube videos on what to do with wavy/curly hair.

I will write a proper post all about Marie Kondo’s book, but in the meantime here is a sneak peak before and after:

KonMari method

And here’s what my hair looks like most mornings after I’ve slept on it (photo does not show copious amounts of frizz) — Sorry about the weird glow on my face. That would be my sun lamp:

Wavy curly hair

Sara and I tried out Heads and Tales gin bar the other night. Mine is the pink cocktail which was smoked grapefruit and gin. The “smoke” came from a few squirts of peaty whisky around the rim of the glass — and you know how much I love my peaty whisky!

Heads and Tales

After tidying all weekend, we did take one break to go to our favourite new local café called Milk. Our favourite is their rosemary egg and mushroom burrito served with wild rice and a chopped cabbage salad:

Milk Edinburgh

Apologies for the state of most of these photos. I’m home mainly when it is pitch-black outside (the sun rises around 9 am and sets before 4 pm). I’ll do a proper post on the KonMari method if you want to see all the changes it’s made (I know I sound like I’ve drunk the kool aid — I totally have).

Hope the week is treating you well and cutting you some slack.



6 thoughts on “This Week: KonMari Method and Curly Hair”

  1. I cannot wait to read your review! I’ve been reading about her a lot lately, and I really wanna get all organized and stuff. ALSO, I am jelly that your hair looks amazing even without any work!

    1. Hi Laura

      I had never heard of her before two weeks ago, and now my house looks tidier than ever. I’m totally a believer ;D

      Thanks so much for the sweet comment about my hair — I wish I could get it to stay like that all day. And talk about lovely hair — your pics are always hairspiration for me!


  2. I still CANNOT get over how much your hair has changed and how different mine is from yours now! Crazy town! If I let my hair air dry like that it would be only slightly wavy.

    Also, i might be busy, but you don’t give yourself credit for how busy you are! Working and traveling and going to the gym. I haven’t worked out in 2 weeks, which might be the longest I’ve gone in years – and I feel like crap. Hopefully things will lighten up a bit at some point, because I need to work out!

    Speaking of working out, did you see Kris Carr had a whole blog post on S.A.D? She talks about working out to help fight the depression. It is pretty amazing what a good work out will do!

    I can’t wait to see more photos of your tidying up. I’m so in awe and so wish I could start working on my house now! Maybe once this semester is over. . . .

    Milk looks amazing. I need to find some healthy places around me. I’ve gotten too lazy about stuff and need to start eating better. Did I tell you that there’s going to be a juice bar opening in Decatur? I’m excited, but also worried I’ll spend all of my money on juices.

    Will you have time to Skype this weekend? No worries if you can’t!

    xoxo, Cath

    1. Hi Cath!!!

      Yes I did see that Kris Carr post! It was interesting to hear her take on how exercising has changed things for her. That really has been THE BIGGEST help for SAD — and I hate admitting that because I’d much rather eat doughnuts and say that helped way more.

      Milk is very nice — lots of kale on the menu but also cake. It’s all about balance (why is it so easy to tip the scales though — damn heavy cake!).

      A juice bar?! So jealous! That’s still not quite a thing here. There’s a smoothie place but no place that does proper green juice. I too, would spend all my money there.

      YES skype time this weekend!!!


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