Back to Edinburgh


Dear Cath,

I left Atlanta a measly week ago! How does it feel so much longer? Leaving you and grappling with jet lag has been mitigated by Katherine and Maria’s Labor Day (not Labour Day — we don’t celebrate it here) mini visit. We’ve been very touristy: tramping up and down the Royal Mile, watching fireworks, eating haggis, going for afternoon tea and climbing Arthur’s Seat. Today we plan to hit the Palace and National Museum before they both head back to D.C. tomorrow.

Arthursseat Tower-restaurant-tea

Once they are gone I’ll have to face the fact that I’m back across an ocean from you. It’s a bad time to be moving into the dreaded dark months of winter here — it already feels like autumn: the leaves are changing colour and the air is crisp. Geek alert: I’m still making my way through the Game of Thrones books and each time someone says “winter is coming” I feel like throwing my Kindle across the room and throwing a hissy fit. I know winter is coming and it will be long and it will be dark and my sister is 5,000+ miles away.

Enough with the grumps though. It’s a new week and a palace awaits.

Love you like George Martin loves the word winter,


P.S. Memories.


5 thoughts on “Back to Edinburgh”

  1. You ladies always look so stylish! I haven’t been to Holyrood Palace, both times I was in Edinburgh, a member of the royal family was too 🙁 Hope you had a good time!

  2. I miss you soooooo much! I’m glad you’ve had some good – and much needed – distraction with Katherine and Maria. I was I was there climbing Arthur’s Seat with you and having high tea – yum! Even moreso, I wish I had a trip planned for me to come visit you this winter so you had something to look forward too.

    xoxo, Cath

    PS: Totally LOLed about the “winter is coming” GOT bit 🙂

    1. Hi Cath!

      I so wish you were coming here this winter too! I bet with classes though, this fall will fly by in a blink of an eye.

      You would have loved high tea. I can’t believe we never went together when you were in town.

      Winter is —ing coming. BOo.

      LOVE YOU!


  3. Let’s not talk about UK winteralthough I mean you have more to complain about than I! But I giggled at throwing the kindle across the room-damn you George Martin! I swear, the GoT books just FEEL cold. Thinking of you as the air gets crisper and crisper. You’ve got a friend in the South (“south”) if it gets too much to bear:)

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