Cath’s Style: Statement Necklace

Last Christmas I selfishly spent a big chunk of my gift shopping time looking for the perfect statement necklace for. . . myself. I ended up never finding a necklace in my price range and drowned my sorrows in eggnog. Just kidding about the drowning my sorrows – it was whisky, not eggnog. I’m kidding, again!

Bottom line, I never did get my hands on a great statement necklace – at least not until the Southern Blog Society Brunch a few weeks ago. This turquoise Brighthouse Baubles necklace was perched on the top of my gift bag.


The color is perfect. It goes with almost everything I own, which means you’ll probably being seeing it a lot of this blog.

 Brighthouse Baubles Bib Statement necklace • Primark top • Gap jeans • C Wonder bracelet • Zara heels • Liebeskind bag • AsianCajuns Double Mint nail polish

The necklace also matches my cell phone case. Lar bought it for me over a year ago and it’s the only one I’ve ever used with my iPhone. It’s a little chipped on the front, but I love the color so much I refuse to get another one.


I’ve had these Zara heels for a couple of years now. Every time I wear them I get so many compliments on them – from men and women. I used to think it was cheesy when I’d hear women talking about how a good shoe could make their day. After buying these shoes, I totally get it.

Zara turquoise heels

Remember last week how a bunch of us Souther Blog Society bloggers styled the same denim jacket? We’ll we did the same with statement necklaces. Check them out:

Katie of Pearls and Twirls | Julie of Julie Leah | Jessica of My Style Vita | Jessica of Here and Now

Also, pop over to Ashlyn’s blog, Let It Be Beautiful, and check out my guest post on travel tips.

Happy pre-Friday!


Dear Lar,

The only statement necklaces I owned before this one were the ones you left behind. Remember that hot pink/metal Madewell necklace of yours? I still wear it all the time! And those great DIY-ish necklaces from Florence years ago? Still wear those too. I wonder if that store is still around. We’ll have to go find it when we’re there together in August – eek! I get so excited just thinking about it! I’ll try to pack as much fun jewelry so we can both wear statement necklaces in Italy. Just make you you don’t pack those hiking boots 😉

Love, Cath

10 thoughts on “Cath’s Style: Statement Necklace”

  1. Hahahaha! No hiking boots, I promise. And guess what?! The shop is still around and they have a website, we are SOOOO going:

    Also, you look beeeyoootiful, Kitcath! Love it all — especially the shoes, like everyone else. You mix colors so well.

    And have I just been living under a rock? Where/When did you get that purse? Gahhhh so gorgeous.

    Miss you so very very mucho!



  2. That’s one of my favorite colors too! You wear statement necklaces so well. It’s one of those things i ALMOST leave the house in then chicken out. Maybe it’s because I don’t have one this awesome.

    1. Hahaha. I totally know the feeling! I usually chicken out too. What helps is that this one has is just one color. I have a couple of statement necklaces that are multi-colored and usually end up taking them off before I leave the house.

  3. I have yet to get myself a statement necklace! Probably because I have no idea how to style them this looks great on you, and I love the bright color!

    I also read your post on Ashlyn’s blog!!! Such wonderful traveling tips, I need to go get a Longchamp bag!

    1. Thanks for reading both posts! I know it might seem like everyone has a Longchamp bag and that they’re overdone, but they’re just so useful! Plus, you can create a customized one online.

  4. I used to be so into accessories and have completely fallen off. You have inspired me to purchase a statement piece and rock it immediately! Those shoes are definitely bangin’, too!

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