21 thoughts on “This Tuesday. . .”

  1. This is incredible. Great idea!!! In honor of all the women who have given their lives so that I could, I’m heading to the polls early.

  2. So. I finally started reading your blog and this was the first post that showed up in my feed reader. AWESOME!

  3. LoLoL I saw that this post was written by Cath, but in my head I was like omgosh Cath looks just like Lar in that first picture! I guess even more so than usual *twin thing*. It wasn’t until I read the comments that I realized that the first picture is indeed Lar. Cute post!

  4. haha. AWESOME!
    not american, but you know. good luck? I don’t know. You two should do more matching photos now that you’re so far apart. it’s so cool!

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