Wearing My Louboutins

Happy Monday, lovelies!!! We had a drenching Saturday and Sunday (one headline said we got three months worth of rain in three days- gahhh!), but it’s all blue skies and sunny today. It’s still chilly this morning (it’s been the 40s and low 50s), but I can’t complain when the gray is gone.

I’m sorry to always be giving you my local weather report. Being in Scotland really makes the weather the most important topic of conversation — year round, but especially in the spring/summer. I think it’s because even Scandinavia must have more consistently warmer weather in June (I’m judging this by all the Swedish fashion blogs I read and those ladies are wearing shorts! Luxury!).

Outfit dets: thrifted Wrangler flannel • Blank black cords • Cheap Monday belt • Christian Louboutin boots via the-dumpster-in-front-of-my-house

One nice thing about the chilly weather? I can break out my knee-high dumbster-found Louboutin boots and wear them without breaking a sweat! They are newly zippered and re-soled. They aren’t the most practical shoe whilst living in a city full of cobble-stones, but they are unbelievably comfy for 5-inch stilettos. Seriously. The night I wore them out, Matt and I had to run half a block to catch the bus and that was easy peasy lemon squeezey.

I did almost face-plant later that night on the way to the loo in a crowded restaurant. Nobody would have probably noticed because I grabbed onto the wall somewhat discreetly when my heel slipped, but I let out a “whoaaah—eek” (the squeak at the end is always eight octaves too high for human ears to bear). So on my return journey back to our table, I did that stiff-legged “don’t slip, don’t slip, don’t slip” walk that looks oh-so-awesome when you wear look-at-me-red-soled shoes.


Dear Cath,

I can’t believe that I’m going to get to see you in just a little more than five weeks?!!!! EEEEEEkkk!!! Best Birthday prezie ever!!! Speaking of which, how should we celebrate our 29th(s) when you are here?

Hope you have a smarvelous Monday!



11 thoughts on “Wearing My Louboutins”

  1. Dearest Lar,
    Will this be our first birthday apart? Isn’t it horrible that I can’t remember? It was so nice being together at the beach last year. We should definitely postpone all birthday celebrating until we’re together in Scotland.
    I’m so impressed you can run in those heels. The restaurant have wood floors? I always find those the worst with heels. There’s a tendency for the heel to get stuck in the grooves of the wood. And I always do the same “eek!” noise too. So chic, no?
    love you and miss you!

    1. YES! Wood floors! They are the worst! Who would have thought huh? This was at the restaurant that kind of reminds me of Leon’s in Decatur — called Red Squirrel.
      And why can’t I remember about our birthday either? I think it’s because we must have always been together and just taken it for granted. I seriously don’t think I’ll feel like I have a birthday until you’re here.


  2. Oooh the Loubous look fabulous! I wish I could wear stilettos! I am hopeless when it comes to skinny heels. I am hopeless when it comes to anything over 2 inch heels actually. I am the kind of gal who stands still or sits down the whole time I’m in high heels. That or else I would totally have my face planted onto the floor.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the linky link to my blog in your last post! I am glad you enjoyed the tutorial! Speaking of tutorials, I am so flattered that you think I should start some on youtube! I’ve been trying to do them, but I just can’t seem to get them the way I want to. I have a couple that I am cooking up at the mo, but they won’t be videophied 🙁

  3. It still baffles me why someone would throw away a perfectly good pair of Louboutin’s. Oh well, the shoe gods were on your side that day and wanted you to have it. They look great on you after the fix up.

  4. They look as good as new! And it sounds like you did pretty great in them, much better than I would have managed in stilettos 🙂

  5. holy smokes those boots are hot! I think when you spend that much on boots you definitely want to repair/resole them when needed.

    Sorry you’re not getting shorts weather yet. We haven’t had much either here on the west coast of canada – occasionally but not like everywhere else in north america. *sigh*

  6. Lar, LOL! Cannot. Believe. This! FAB!!! I didn’t know what you were talking about when you commented on our blog. I was thinking: what in the heck is dumpster shoes. Now, it all makes sense. You look super cute as always & those shoes are to die for. Seriously! Don’t hate the walk.hate the shoe game, baby! Hope the time passes so fast so you and Cath can see each other again. Couldn’t imagine being that far from my sis You two are too fab! 🙂

  7. So these are the dumpster Louboutin boots you spoke of? From trash to treasure.SCORE! I know that walk when you don’t want to slip on your face. I’m glad to know they’re comfortable as even some kitten heels can wreak havoc.

  8. WHAT?!?! Louboutin via a dumpster. That is absolutely the universe rewarding you for being an ethical fashion lover. I firmly believe it.

    I’m still muddling my way through this whole thing. Doesn’t help that I received graduation/job gift cards to some of my {old} favorite stores

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