Weekend Wear for Cold Climates

I know it might be hard to trust style advice from someone who has ‘fessed up to her love of sweat pants, but I think I found a perfect winter weekend outfit for Scotland. Oh, did I mention it involves a sweat shirt? Wait it gets better! It involves one of those sweat shirts that says some sort of fakey sporty thing on it. For instance, did you know (says my sweatshirt) that I was on the varsity regatta rowing team in high school? In the photo above, I’m daydreaming about all the time spent on the river and at regatta galas those were the days.(I just googled “what is a regatta?”).
Psst.Cath and I attended a public high school that wasn’t anywhere near a river, or boats, or galas and I’ve always had a preternatural dislike of things involving teams and water. and paddles, for that matter.

But I love a cheap dark gray sweatshirt even if it makes blatantly untrue claims about my prowess in high school and the water. So I bought it and wore it this way:

Mendacious sweatshirt from Primark ($10-ish!) • thrifted jean button-up • Next skinny jeans • Frye boots

I’m pointing to my head in the photo to the right because I just got my first hair cut since June (when Cath and I went together to get twin cuts and donate our hair). I’m going back to the salon in a few weeks to have my hair lightened organically (no smelly chemicals). It’s Edinburgh’s only organic hair salon (I didn’t know hair salons could be organic until I googled it). I’m trying to go as chemical-free as possible with my beauty supplies.

Anywhoodle, what are you guys up to this weekend? Any Regatta Galas (or is that a summer thing)? Oh! And you still have a chance to enter our Shabby Apple giveaway (just click here for details) if it’s before Sunday evening. I’m crossing my fingers for you!


Dear Kitcath,

I found this at Waitrose today. It’s like the UK version of the Larabars! It’s delicious — a bit fruitier than the Larabars with smaller bits of nuts. On the back it has a union jack and says “Gleefully Made in Great Britain.” I’ll stock up on some for when you next come to visit.

Can’t wait to skype chat tomorrow (tomorrow? Sunday? which is best?).



9 thoughts on “Weekend Wear for Cold Climates”

  1. That looks delicious! Sometimes Larabars are too fig-y for me, but I eat them all the time because they’re the only gluten, wheat, and dairy free quick snack out there.

    I love your faux sporty sweatshirt. Remember when we were studying in Spain and they’d have faux american shirts that said stuff like “College University” and “I Am Cute Too Also”.

    Can’t wait to hear about your chemical-free highlighting adventure. Remember to bring a camera so you can blog about it!

    love, cath

  2. you made this sweatshirt look so cute! i always think that adding skinny jeans and tall boots to any outfit makes it look instantly chic!

    hope you have a fabulous weekend. i’m doing nothing. it’s snowing here now through tomorrow. bleh! probably watch the help sometimes this weekend and sunday we’re gonna make a big turkey dinner. fun times.

  3. Oh! Hahaha. Your little write-up about your sweater is adorable. We didn’t have regattas at my college. We had dragon boating. Totally fierce.

  4. I own things like that too! I have a t-shirt that claims that I am a lifeguard (haha- I dislike water too) and also one that just stays Kyoto on it and I have never been to Japan. Oh well!

    I’ve got to track down one of those cereal bars! They sound yum! Also, I’m so pleased you liked my Instagram posts, thanks for the lovely comment as always 😀

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