My Secret Bad Hair Day Weapon

As I write this post, I’m already planning on using this secret weapon tomorrow since I don’t feel like washing my hair tonight. I know that might sound gross, but I’m a firm believer in not washing your hair everyday – mostly because it allows me to be lazy.

So what is my secret weapon? My mesh hair donut!

Let me explain.

Ever since I got my hair chopped off last summer (Lar and I took the plunge together) I haven’t been able to wear my hair in a messy bun. At first my hair was too short to even pull back in a respectable ponytail and now it’s still too short to make a full size bun.

Enter the hair donut:

Look at that giant bun! I just loop my ponytail through the mesh donut (see image below), spread my hair around it and pin it with a few hair pins.

I bought it at Primark in Edinburgh when I was visiting Lar. It only cost £1, best cash I’ve ever spent. Even if you can’t make it to Scotland to purchase a mesh hair donut, you can pick one up at your local beauty supply store or just google it and purchase one online.

Hurray for bad hairs days (fixed with mesh donuts)!


Dearest Lar,

Do you ever use that mesh bump it that you bought at Primark when I bought the donut? I think that one was trickier to use.

Even though I’m easing up on the diet a little bit, I’m still drinking my green juice every morning. I love it!

How many more days on your veggie cleanse? I had seafood the other day when we went to get dim sum and I felt guilty thinking of you eating nothing but fruits and veg.

xoxo, Cath

12 thoughts on “My Secret Bad Hair Day Weapon”

  1. It’s so funny that you posted about the donut – I actually spent the weekend on the hunt for one! I was inspired by Erica Domesek’s hair in the Oscar PRGirl video and I’ve been trying to replicate her bun.

  2. I keepi meaning to hunt one of those donut things down – but I keep getting side tracked by the sugar-glazed ones, nom .

    BTW, you may have already posted this somewhere, but how do you make your green juice? I’m trying to be a better eater and I am always looking for easy ways to get my greens on!

  3. Your messy buns always look so good, Kitcath! I don’t look nearly as cute with one (is my forehead bigger?). I did try to use that bump I bought a few times, but I couldn’t commit to the amount of hairspray that had to be used, so I still do my bump au natural – hahaha!
    And I’m so proud of you keeping up with your green juice! Matt and I realized we’ve been green juicing every single day for almost a month now. I feel kind of empty without it.
    Love you!!!

  4. I’d always like to think my hair is thicker than it really is. I usually end up with a wimpier than I’d like bun. This little hair donut is officially going on my “to purchase” list.

  5. Wow that mesh thing is awesome! I need one of those as my hair is far too thin and I can always use a little extra oomph. I agree about not washing your hair every day. 😉

    Hope all is well in the ATL, Ms. Cath!


  6. I can’t even put my hair up right now. so my “bad hair day” fix is dry shampoo or volumising powder. Somedays I miss longer hair, then I remember that I don’t have to deal with static or lack of volume.


    p.s. I agree with the other comments, a recipe for the green juice would be awesome!

  7. I totally wish I could find one of those here!!! I have been looking for one forever, and I even went to a Japanese grocery store up in Chicago to get myself a few, but they were sold out. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!? I used to use a sock, but then I got tired of having to cut up my own socks. 🙁

    Anywhoooooos, your green monster looks good! Inspired by Lar, I actually finally added some spinach to my morning smoothie! It was noms.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

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