Kitchen Re-do!

This blog runs the gamut these days, doesn’t it? Foodie posts, embarrassing self-made videos, author interviews – you name it, we write about it! That leads me to my next non-fashion/style topic: kitchen renovations! Even if you don’t care a hoot about interior design or DIY house projects, aren’t you still a fan of Before and After shots (especially when the “before” is made to look extra specially bad)?


Here is our kitchen looking tired and frowning (in bad lighting and poor photography, messiest it’s ever been):

And ta dahhhhh!

I just threw some things on the countertops so they wouldn’t look so naked in the picks. Below are some details shots of the wall color, subway tiles, and marble (oooo marble).

The blackboard paint wall isn’t actually new to the kitchen, but I dusted it off and made a shopping list, taped up a photo of Matt’s beautiful grandma and some rosemary, and, with a nod to our soon-to-be new home, wrote a Robert Burns quote above the closet doors (read the Selkirk Grace with a Scottish brogue please).

You might have noticed I’m showing you just one corner of the kitchen. We have yet to finish painting the rest of the walls and my dad (wonderfully talented man that he is) will be installing a plate rack as part of our new (and only bit of) custom cabinetry. I’ll be sure to bore regal you all with more pics when that’s through – if I have time before we take off for Scotland, that is!

It’s still a work in progress, and if I had all the money in the world I would do things a bit differently. But with just about $4,000 dollars gone and many hours of labor from some wonderfully sweet and generous family members, I think it looks like a whole new glorious cooking haven.

p.s. You can read about why we decided to do a kitchen reno the month before we move to Scotland here. Having done it, I wouldn’t recommend this combination (moving overseas and doing a DIY upgrade to your kitchen) to anyone you like or hope to keep sane. I’ve been eating a lot of these (see below) when I feel a little blue from all the stress – I know it’s a terrible habit, but sooo delicious and temporarily calming.

17 thoughts on “Kitchen Re-do!”

  1. This looks Fabulous! It is very French Country. I LOVE it! I am especially Loving any kind of D.I.Y. home projects since I bought my house. Great work.

  2. Wow the kitchen is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love the things you decided to “throw together” on the counters and the wall colors, and the white cabinets. everything! Looks so fresh and clean and inviting! Terrible “before” pic probably helps that impression, but still 🙂

  3. Oh well done, Lar! You’re a magic maker. And the marble you chose is so so beautiful and shiny and glossy. I can’t get over how many cabinet doors were open in your before picture though!!!

  4. LOVE the chalkboard paint! Have recently been trying that out myself. next big project is to paint an entire dresser with it!

    Also, I have been a secret admirer of this blog for a while, but first time commenting. I recently got a letter from the Beer Fest people saying that a Lauren had won (I entered as well) and after reading DM today, realized it was you! Congrats! Can’t wait to see it on everything!

  5. this looks amazing!! you guys did a wonderful job 🙂 may i just suggest some beautiful printed curtains (perhaps in a sunny yellow or mellow matching wall color) for a color accent?

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