Statues, A Cat, and A Sneak Peek at One of Cath’s Dresses

This is one of my favorite places to take photos in Decatur. It’s right next to a popular pub and used to be home to the Gypsy Camp. It’s it a little eerie, but it’s not Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil eerie because the nymphs have cute little round bellies and I can’t imagine them ever killing someone in Johny Mercer’s house. Oh but I do love a good dose of Southern Gothic, don’t you?

The details: Long jacket, TJ Max | Red orange tunic, AA | Buckle Boots, Asos

Oh, and here are few more random things for your Thursday/Friday:

Last week when I stepped out of my car, this friendly neighborhood kitty jumped right in and decided it was for her (or him? didn’t get a good look). I’m sure it is my divine Franciscan way with the animal kingdom that convinced her this was a good idea (and not the recently warmed interior and seats). It was like watching a kid in a ball pen, except no balls, just lovely leather that must feel sooo good to kitty claws paws. After she had explored the front half of the car, she headed for the back. Once she seemed through, I opened the back door for her like any good chauffeur would. She seemed quite pleased with the whole experience:

Oh! And before I forget, Cath’s third option for maid-o-honor dress came in yesterday. I’m going to grab a photo of her after work tomorrow and then we can have your brilliant minds help us choose which is best for zee wedding in an upcoming post. In the meantime, here is a sneak-peek at one of them:

10 thoughts on “Statues, A Cat, and A Sneak Peek at One of Cath’s Dresses”

  1. The dress. OMG. I can’t wait to see what sort of colored accessories you girls jazz it up with.

    The picture of the child in a coat, though, that one seems rather. devious. As if some sort of clandestine mischief is afoot, unbeknownst to the unwitting public.

    Other than that, though, the garden is rather charming. With a mystical, nostalgic sort of quality! I can see why you love it!

    Mae Lu, @ thereafterish.

  2. Ahhh you guys! The detail in the sneak peak looks really REALLY gorgeous. Can’t wait to see more.

    The first couple of photos are definitely a bit eerie but I do love the pop of red in your outfit. I seem to be gravitating towards a lot of red these days!

    Also love that you learnt a new word haha! Ladders definitely make more sense than Runs and I’m just amazed you found my blog somewhat ‘educational’. Love it!

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