AsianCajuns Redesigned (Again)!

So this is AsianCajuns 3.0. What do you guys think of the redesign?! I wanted to create our own AsianCajun theme – so I did! And when I say “I” I mean my master programmer friend Chris did all the coding behind the scenes and I got to make it pretty (my day job is Graphic Designer). I mentioned this change a few months ago, but finally got my act together this weekend.

I was probably inspired by this guy on Friday night:

And tadahhhh.

Scott and Garance (first-name basis now of course) were both wonderful just as you all said they would be. Thanks for convincing me to go! And everyone who I met at Hagedorn, it was so nice to see you in person and not just on the internet. Cath and I would love to have a real meet-up some time.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend too! What have you been up to? Do tell!

17 thoughts on “AsianCajuns Redesigned (Again)!”

  1. OMGGGGG I’m so excited for you! Garance Dore seems like such a sweet person.I’d love to meet her someday!
    And I love the new layout! and heyyy I’m an aspiring graphic designer! πŸ˜€ it definitely helps to have a friend who can code hehe.

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