What to Wear for the Sartorialist

Aren’t these ladies I’m with gorgeous? I went to meet the Sartorialist and Garance with Jinah (to my right) and we met everyone else in Atlanta who loves them, including these two lovely ladies (we bonded over billowy versus skinny pants/skirts).

To prepare to meet the Scott Schuman, I put on my newly thrifted Carmen Marc Valvo skirt ($20!!), a gorgeous leather bag gifted to me by my stylish aunt, and a t-shirt.

And if I lived in La-la land, the tide of fashionable, gorgeous people would have parted and The Sartorialist would have dropped to his knees and started clicking away the moment he saw us.

In reality, he didn’t have a camera and was mobbed continually for about 3 hours in the hot, stuffy gallery space. By the time we got to meet him, my make-up had slid off my face and my formerly chic skirt was sticking to my sweaty thighs. However, going by the photo below, I’m pretty sure I swept him off his perfectly clad feet (note look of “oh god, get me out of here” on Mr. Schuman’s face):

Really, Mr. Schuman was wonderful and polite and this photo belies the fact that he spent hours being completely charming with every adoring fan that he met.

Below are two photos he shot in the ATL- woohoo! Thanks for stopping by, Scott and Garance. Come back soon!

All photos but two above taken with Jinah’s camera, the top two by Zoie Johnson at SCAD.

14 thoughts on “What to Wear for the Sartorialist”

  1. wow- to come back to this OH SO oh SO fressssssh layout. amazingness. congrats.
    all these girls look amazing. but most of all you my darling Lar.
    must’ve been a fantastic night- looks every bit like it.
    my stay at lfw was incredible- i want to go back now
    have a wonderful week


  2. I always wondered what I myself would wear. too much pressure, ahhhh! I love his site, it used to be daily reading for me (which reminds me, I haven’t looked at a single fashion site all summer long!).

    Love that bag. like. SO MUCH.

  3. It was so nice to meet you last weekend! I love your blog – you and your sister are so sweet together! Anyhow, a post promised is a post promised, and looks like I am stuck on following you now!

  4. I love what you wore. and yes, I am sure if S wasn’t trying to meet every fan, he would have been running after you with a camera, praying for some wind and a bit of golden sun.

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