Say Yes to The Dress ATL Style

Last week Lar and I were invited to a little shindig to celebrate the premier Atlanta season of TLC’s Say Yes to the Dress – at least we thought it was little. We realized our mistake when we pulled up to the party location in downtown Atlanta, saw the red carpet and the 800 plus guests – most of them dressed to the nines (think prom gowns, professional updos and dapper suits).

We hadn’t heard of Say Yes before, but after experiencing the party and hearing from our friends about how they’re obsessed with the show, we realized that somehow we’ve totally missed the boat on the show AND the whole wedding business in general. Just as a disclaimer, Lar and I aren’t really wedding girls. We get super excited if a close friend is getting married, but apart from the obvious, we don’t really know what it takes to put on a wedding.

Luckily, there are plenty of talented wedding experts out there – like Lori Allen, owner of Bridals by Lori Atlanta.

That’s Lori on the left in the photo above during the party. Bridals by Lori is one of the largest wedding salons in the nation, which also makes it the perfect spot to film a reality show following soon-to-be brides around while they find THE dress like this one:

No, silly, I’m not talking about Lar’s Paul Gaultier for Target dress, I’m talking about the gorgeous bridal gown on the 10 ft model. Eat your heart out Chelsea Clinton! (Actually, I loved Chelsea’s dress, but that’s a hole ‘nother blog post)

Here’s my WTF-how-did-everyone-get-so-dressed-up-for-a-6:30 p.m.-party-on-a-weekday-? look:

I’m wearing a dress Lar gave me for my birthday from Ramona West.

Apart from the gorgeous dresses and giddy vibe, the best thing about the evening was the jars of candy and cupcake-covered tables. Lar helped herself to a big ol’ bag of M&Ms and chocolate covered raisins.

Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta premiered last Friday. Seeing as I don’t have cable I asked my bf to DVR the show for me. I can’t wait to check it out and see what all the fuss is about.

14 thoughts on “Say Yes to The Dress ATL Style”

  1. I LOVE Say Yes to the Dress. I just watched a new Atlanta episode yesterday! It’s crazy, but I still find it entertaining to watch.

  2. AHH I’m obsessed with that show! Once, I watched the ENTIRE 4th season in one sitting. That was like7 hours of wedding dresses. Gorgeous, I love it, so jealous you got to go and I can’t wait to watch that show! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Say Yes is one of the biggest reasons that I am sad about own downgraded cable package. I mean, it was good to cut out the junk and lower the bill but I love that show.
    The party looked fun. Funny that you had no idea is was an all out event. still looked great though!

  4. Funny, never heard of that show either.and that model looks like she could dunk!

    Oh and my pockets would have been overflowing with M&Ms if I had been there.

  5. So much fun! And I’ve def. seen Say Yes to The Dress! You both look fabulous. at least you were wearing dresses! So what if they were a wee bit casual. ๐Ÿ™‚ Your WTF look is priceless. You have to watch the show when it premieres; it is pretty entertaining!

    xx, becs

  6. Interesting event! I just came back from a wedding and I have to say I don’t think I’m cut out for the bridal stuff either. There are girls out there who revel in it, but all that planning looks like an awful lot of work to me.

  7. Weddings are insane. Planning mine last year made me insane. And from what I can tell, mine was easier than a traditional wedding since it was semi-destination and I had to plan everything via email and phone and pictures rather than a traditional wedding in the same locale.

    I am adoring tulle and ruffles and feather looks lately, but I know I will look back on these trendy dresses and cringe. I’m glad I went slightly classic but with a diva spin.

    I think you’ve seen my wedding photos.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a good show, but some of the brides make me sick.

    Mae Lu, thereafterish.

  8. Omg they’re making an Atlanta version??? I love that show, HECK yes! You both look plenty cute, too, how DO people have the time to get that fancy for a weekday event at 6:30??

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