Ladies and Gentlemen, We Present You. . .

Boo Radley:


Ever since my parents moved down to Atlanta, I’ve been trying to convince them to get a dog (I’d love to get one of my own, but I can’t afford it and my landlord doesn’t allow pets – boo). So finally after much hemming and hawing, Lar and I took our parents to the Atlanta Pet Rescue last weekend.

That’s where we discovered this little guy. He’s a Shih Tzu mixed in with a few other things, which makes him part Chinese, just like us!


He’s very gentle, not a yapper and has a sweet temperament, so I thought “Boo” Radley was a fitting name. He’s a little rough-looking around the edges because when he was rescued his fur was all matted. Plus, he’s a couple of pounds under weight and he has a slight under bite. I think he’s perfect.

49 thoughts on “Ladies and Gentlemen, We Present You. . .”

  1. Oh how cute!!!and mucho props for going to the Pet Rescue. My freind hipped me to your site and you two are just stunning! Love your style maybe see you at some fashion events around town 🙂

  2. He’s terrifically adorable! Congratulations.

    Also, good for y’all and your parents for setting a good example by adopting a rescue, rather than buying a puppy.

  3. Yay for your parents!! Boo Radley is such a rad name. Love it!! He is absoloutely precious. 🙂 Hope he brings lots of love to your parents. Dogs are the best ever! I heart my maltipoo, Pooma. She’s me and my hubbs, “dog”hter. LOL. Have a fabulous weekend ladies!!!! Take care.

  4. Thanks to all for the kind comments. The parents seem to be adjusting. I do find it a mite cold on my morning walk. Any ideas for warm but fashionable outfits for moi till my fur grows out?

  5. omg, he’s toooooooooooooooo cute! bec and i want a dog too but same story- too expensive and the owner doesn’t allow pets! i also love the name! hope you ladies have a fabulous weekend! xo, mel

  6. He’s so cute! We have a shih tzu and my parents have 3! They are the best dogs in the world! Have fun with him – I can’t imagine not having a dog in my life anymore!

  7. Awww, what an adorable dog! And I love the fact you got him from a shelter. there are too many abandoned pets on this planet unfortunately. Something tells me that with you girls around, this one will end up being one stylish doggie 😉

  8. kudos to you for rescuing this little fella – he looks very affectionate and deserving of a loving home. I absolutely LOVE dogs – they melt my heart everytime.

    his name is really kick ass – he’s a keeper!

  9. He is so cute! Like a cute little old man puppy.if that makes sense 🙂 I’m sure he is very happy that you saved him, and will receive much love

  10. Awww, you can call him “Boo-boo!” and then kiss him, because that’s what you do with Boo Boos!

    Very cute and fitting that he’s part Asian. I love that you made that connection and were all squee over it!

  11. did i mention how cute he is? i now visit your blog to just look at boo’s expressive eyes. ahhhhhhh.

    scruffs and boo should hang out. roll their doggy eyes and shake their doggy butts and whatnot.

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