Saturday Morning Round-up


Dear Cath

I think that shot above is you and me in our most Scottish form: wee Westie twinsies with matching tartan collars!

Sorry I’ve been MIA for weeks. I blame it on Edinburgh. We (Edinburgh and myself) basically hibernate in the winter and then come summer and Festival time the City explodes (I don’t explode but I do get over stimulated — fireworks, sun, food, people! Gah!). There’s food stalls and musicians and tourists galore. I’ll have to tell you more about Alex and Dexin’s visit to Edinburgh in the next postie, but I just wanted to give you a general catch-up here before Matt and I leave to go back to the states . IN A WEEK!!!

First up: Thank youuuu for the lovely tee for our bday– I loves it so!


With all the tempting food markets popping up because of the Festival, I’ve gone way off the diet. Exhibit A: Banh mi. Exhibit B: dumplings (bread, cheese, spinach, butter sauce, yum) from Austria:

banh-mi aplines

Sara and I visited the Scottish Parliament a few weeks ago. I know the building is controversial but the architecture totally grows on you. I prefer this to where Congress hobnob:


We were at Parliament to see the Great Tapestry of Scotland. It was amazing and incredibly long, covering centuries of Scottish History from this guy (Edward perhaps? Nervous nilly, that one — or maybe he just needed the loo):


To your favourite Tunnock’s Teacakes:


See, this is Matt and I not hibernating. It’s sunny. It’s Festival time. Let’s be paper dolls:


And a teaser for the next post with Alex and Dexin . they brought me this beautiful Tyrolean hat from Munich!

(Sheesh I hate taking selfies):


I’m worried this last week here might get quite busy and then we won’t be in Atlanta for another two weeks yet — so I’ll try to get another post out so it still feels like you are hearing from me.

I miss you ooodles, but I can’t believe I will see you in 15 days. 15 DAYS!!!!

Love you like Westies love tartan,



9 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Round-up”

  1. How do you always look so amazing in everything?! Seriously!? I’m so glad that tee fits you so well! I wish I was exploring Edinburgh during the festival with you like those two twin Westies. Remember we were together at the festival two years ago? That feels like a decade ago!

    I love, love, love the Tyrolean hat. You make it look so stylish and not very German at all. i can’t wait to see everything that you’ve done in the past week.

    PS: You and Matt make some very fine paper dolls 🙂

    1. Hahaha! Thanks so much for all the sweet words, Kitcath! Of course I remember doing the Festival with you — this is not just a hackneyed thing to say, it truly isn’t the same without you. You would have loved seeing Austentatious again yesterday!

      I can’t wait to see everything you’ve been up to. Big Boss Chinese looked amazing on your Instagram. I am v v jealous.

      I’ll see you in 13 DAYS! (But who’s counting?).



  2. Irn Bru!!!! I love that they’ve stitched a mini Irn Bru into the tapestry, LOL!
    I hate taking selfies too, but yours looks good and the hat suits you.
    Safe travels to the states!

    1. Hi Michelle

      Are you an Irn Bru fan? I’m so impressed! I still haven’t properly tried since I was a student here many years ago. The orange colour scares me a bit. They’ve also branched out and now you can get Irn Bru popsicles and Irn Bru fudge.

      Thanks for the sweet words about the selfie — I always feel so strange and overly self-conscious.


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