The Harrods Pamper Hamper

This Pamper Hamper from Harrods is perhaps one of the nicest things I’ve ever received as a blogger. It’s one of their luxury chocolate hampers: Harrods champagne, milk chocolate pink and white truffles, a Lardurée candle and rose perfume. I imagine this is the sort of thing Marie Antoinette would pack for her strolls around the grounds of Versailles. Who needs sandwiches and crudité when you can have champagne and chocolate?

Ladies and (especially) Gents, if you are still searching for the perfect present for your significant others or mothers (and have a cool £150 to spare), I highly recommend this most pampered of hampers. I feel down-right decadent eating chocolate and cream and tippling bubbles, whilst I smell of roses. Even in my wee Scottish flat with teeny windows, this basket of goodies makes me feel like a French queen in a palace — all without the fear of servant revolts and a potential beheading. That’s having your cake and eating it too.

Photo courtesy of Harrods


Dear Cath,

Oh my goodness, Kitcath, I sooo wish you were here to share this basket of amazingness with me. I still think it’s so funny you thought getting a hamper meant getting a laundry basket – tehehehe! Best laundry day ever, huh? Would you like me to bring the pink truffles home with me? Nom nom nom.

I’m currently smelling of the Ladurée rose perfume because I feel so fancy using that atomizer. I’m never had one, have you? I feel so glamourous and la-ti-da-y.

Still the best prezie of all is yet to come. . . SIX DAYS until I see you!!!!!




18 thoughts on “The Harrods Pamper Hamper”

    1. Me too, CL! I think it’s meant to get a bit colder the day we come in, but it will still be close to Scotland’s hotter days of the year — so we’ll feel spoiled. Also, it’s much sunnier, which I miss so much — I haven’t actually seen the sun (daylight, but no sun — it’s too close to the horizon) in weeks. Agh!

  1. oh Lar, what a beautiful and decadent basket of goodies you got! Everything looks so posh and pretty! I sure would be feeling super fancy nomming on those delicious bonbons! Especially in that gorgeous dress of yours! Love it 🙂

  2. The strange green light emitting from your iPad? Nothing more than my pea-green (or should I say Christmas tree-green) envy over your Pamper Hamper from Harrods!

  3. ” I still think it’s so funny you thought getting a hamper meant getting a laundry basket .”

    Catherine, that is SO SAD.

    Great post, Lar.

    1. Trust me, I know! I just kept thinking, “A Christmas hamper? Why would you want a seasonal laundry hamper?” So sad.

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