Wannabe Set Designer

So while Cath goes to work full time, takes difficult stats classes, and keeps up with AsianCajuns, I’ve been doing about a third of that — and still can’t keep up! Kitcath, I don’t know how you do it! I’m starting my fourth and final week at Scenehouse next week (sniffles), so things should settle down a bit after that.

I’ll spare you any outfit photos because my limited closet would bore you to tears, and I’ve been wearing whatever is comfortable so that I can sit and make models of teeny tiny theater sets for hours. Here’s my model for a Tennessee William one act play set in a farmhouse in the Mississippi Delta:

In theater design in the UK we work in a 1 to 25 scale (it’s 1 to 24 in the states), so everything is carefully measured to be 25 times smaller than reality, including each individually cut, glued and stained floorboard. You can see how teeny the table is next to a mug and roll of masking tape below:

We get breaks during the week to visit theaters around Edinburgh and Glasgow. I loved going to the Lyceum. Lovely isn’t it?

So apart from touring some lovely theaters and sitting in a studio passively inhaling wood glue and white spirit for hours on end, once in a while I get to toddle outside and enjoy the cloudy, cool July days in Edinburgh. Rushing around town, I usually forget how much this beautiful city looks like a Harry Potter set:

Doesn’t this photo below look wintry? I took it yesterday, which we considered a balmy sunny day. Scary isn’t it?

Hope you guys are having a wonderful July so far. Is it hot where you are? If so, please send some of that this way! I still wear at least two layers and boots every day. I keep catching myself thinking it’s March. Turns out the phrase “Scottish summer” is an oxymoron.


Dear Cath,

My brain has been so full of theater stuffs that when the cobwebs clear and I remember you’ll be here in three weeks I do a little happy dance each time!!! Can you believe it?! I’ve been told August will be at least slightly warmer and sunnier, which means maybe 60 degrees and an hour of sun twice a week. gulp.




p.s. I’m listening to Classic FM as I type this, and the Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1 just came on. It always makes me think of that ABT video (VHS!) we used to watch for hours on end: Ethan Steifel and Ashley Tuttle. Don’t our ballet days seem like another life?

7 thoughts on “Wannabe Set Designer”

  1. How teeny tiny! I love it! And how cool is it to get to tour theaters and stages for inspiration! I am totally jelly, Lar. Totally jelly. Even of your balmy, winter-looking summers. I’ll trade you any day. 🙂

  2. Well that set looks just amazing! The Scottish Summer day looks beautiful too! I hope you have more beautiful days to come! I’m sending sunshine vibes your way, I hope it makes it!

  3. Your model set looks awesome! I’ve been meaning to email you to see how it’s going. It reminds me of when I took drafting classes in high school, and we made model houses out of our blue prints. I loved it. It was really tedious, but so much fun. I hope you’re loving it too!

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