My London Dress in Decatur

The title sounds more complicated and hoity-toity than reality. Lar, being the sweet twin sister that she is, got me this dress at Spitalfields Market in London in February. So when people ask me about the dress and I tell them that it’s from London, it makes me sound like I’m some jetsetter that goes shopping on Bond Street – if only! I’d settle for some good, solid window shopping on Oxford Circus if I could even afford a ticket to London!

I wore my “London” dress out on a date night (you can tell it’s a date night because I bothered to put on lipstick). Troy and I went to Cakes and Ale for dinner (note to the locals: get the trout for two, you won’t be disappointed!) and then Colbeh Persian Kitchen and Bar for after-dinner drinks and then to Steinbeck’s for post-after-dinner drinks. I know, we’re gluttons! But we don’t do it every night week.

That’s my arm party in the photo below. I’m a little late on the trend and only did a tame version at that with three pieces. The watch is so old that it doesn’t even work with a new battery. When I brought it to a jewelry store to get the battery changed, the sales clerk said it wasn’t even worth repairing. Harumph! I still like it because it’s my only piece of silver and gold jewelry so I still wear it all the time. You should see the looks I get when people ask me for the time and I have to scrounge around in my purse for my phone while wearing a watch.

I love any dress with pockets – and I mean it. If a potato sack had pockets, I’d belt it and wear it everyday. Not only does this dress have pockets, it has zips!

And if zippered pockets weren’t enough to delight me, the waistband is elastic! I might as well be wearing yoga pants – perfect for big meals and, uh, some light drinking.

Outfit details: Spitalfields Market dress, Mettle necklace, Madewell shoes, BCBG OMG bracelet, Ann Klein watch, Shashi bracelet.


Dearest Lar,

Thank you again and again for my lurvly dress! I got so many compliments on it – even one compliment where a guy said “I like how it’s kind of sheer, but covered up!” Sheer?! I freaked out a bit – and was a little creeped out – but Troy assured me that it’s a perfectly opaque dress.

Are you going out for high tea this weekend? I am! Troy, mom, dad and I are going to try out Cozee Teas, a new teashop in Decatur. I’ll report back, but am not going to hold my breath for real clotted cream!

love, cath

10 thoughts on “My London Dress in Decatur”

  1. Cath, you look boooooyoutiful in that dress! When I saw it in the Spitalfields stall (huddling against the cold and the rain) I thought it would be the perfect spring/summer Atlanta dress for you. (Thank you, C&E for bringing it back to the states!). And I can’t turn down zips and elastic either — perfect combination: you can look nonchalant and cool with your hands in your pockets, there by drawing attention away from any possible food baby spottings.
    And I love your arm party — and your broken Anne Klein watch — I still remember when you got that in high school. I don’t arm party here because I always cover my wrists with layers of tees and sweaters so as not to freeze. maybe in June it will be warm enough for an arm party (fingers crossed).
    We aren’t doing tea this week because it’s Matteos bday tomorrow, but I’ll be thinking about you guys at Cozee Teas, wishing I could be there with you.

  2. Love the dress! You look super cute in it!!! Um, how exactly, did some random guy tell you he likes the ‘not too sheerness’ of your dress? That’s so odd!!! Creeped out is a proper response, btw. 🙂

  3. Dresses should ALWAYS and ONLY come with pockets, even wedding dresses and gowns. I mean, it’d be ridiculous for a man’s dress pants to be pocketless, the same should go for dresses.

    I always find guys compliments so entertaining. With a woman, you know she’s going to say it in a way that makes you feel good! With a man, it’s usually what pops into his head at that moment. I’ve had more men compliment my headbands or hair accessories than women, but the compliments are usually “Hey, that’s a neat hair. thingy” or “Nice feathers!” Headdesk.


  4. Hey hey. I totally have a watch like that. It’s weird, because people ask me what time it is more than when I wear a watch that actually tells time.

    Does wearing lipstick make you feel like there’s a spotlight on you, too?

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