Who Cares What I’m Wearing: Matt’s In a Kilt!

Matt’s department at the University of Edinburgh held a Burns Supper this past weekend. When going to a dinner for the poet of Scotland, you wouldn’t be caught dead in trousers (or pants for that matter). So Matt bought this dashing tartan number. He’s still working on getting the rest of the kilt accoutrements: sporran (purse), socks (he improvised with some sporty ones), dirk (knife), etc.

Apart from wearing skirts kilts, what do you do to honor Robert Burns you ask? Bagpipes, scotch, eat haggis, scotch, dancing (a ceilidh), some more scotch, topped off with poetry. If you are rusty on your Burns, you’ll probably at least remember Auld Lang Syne and My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose. But if you think all of Burns poetry was sweet and nostalgic you must do some more reading here. He was a bit (read: a lot) of a ladies man and had a great sense of humor. I think he would have been pleased as punch to have men traipsing around on his birthday in kilts, toting bottles of scotch and mumbling rude poetry.

Non-Scots might grimace at the idea of having to eat haggis in order to do this Burns Night thing properly, but really it’s quite tasty. Cath and I both like the meaty version, but this year I opted for the vegetarian one .

What’s in the real version, you ask? Usually sheep heart, liver, lungs, onion, oatmeal, suet and spices — traditionally all wrapped up in a sheep’s stomach. I know that sounds daunting (and terrible if you are vegetarian), but back in the day you used every bit of your very precious animals. What does it taste like? A more irony kind of sausage. When mixed with your potatoes and turnips, it’s delightful!

What’s in the vegetarian version? Lentils and beans instead of the animal bits, and obviously no sheep tummy wrapper. I actually prefer this version most of the time because it’s less iron-y and lets more woolie sheepies roam around.

Not as scary as you thought, right?

In closing, more men in kilts for you lads and lassies:


Dear Cath,

I so missed you sooo much this year! Our first Burns Night apart.

Remember this from this post a few years back?

Love and haggis,



7 thoughts on “Who Cares What I’m Wearing: Matt’s In a Kilt!”

  1. I care what you wore! Are you required to wear tartan print as well (remember Charlotte’s ball gown in SATC?)? At least you didn’t have to hold his purse while he got a drink ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Also, love the hair donut Cath used – I could totally use one today instead of this stringy pony I have going on! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a fab day/rest of your day, ladies!

    1. I do remember that SATC and always wanted her dress! I kept my eye out for a less formal version but didn’t have any luck and just wore a orange-red 70s shift that matched the red in Matt’s kilt ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Thanks for reading, Currylove!

  2. Oh man. Kilts! I’ve been waiting with bated breath for a post on kilts! I’m half Scottish with a brother who bagpipes and my sister & I took Highland dancing, so I’ve grown quite fond of the kilt. ESPECIALLY on men. There’s just something about it, men need to wear them more often I think, and your hunny looks especially dashing in one!


  3. How kiltastic! I actually cannot believe I forgot about Burns night. Then again, my husband wouldn’t probably want to eat haggis with me, veggie or not:( beeee teeee dubs, Lar, I started drinking green monsters! I have one a day now! Sooooo yummeh!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  4. Aww I absolutely love this post! It made me smile, oh the kilts! I’ve never tried haggis but I am one to try anything so I’d totally give it a go.

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