
Every year one of Decatur’s elementary schools hosts a fundraiser called Junktique. It’s pretty much a community yard sale with live music, some crafts for sale and food. It’s local events like this that make me love living in Decatur. It makes me feel like I’m living in an episode of Gilmore Girls. I know, so not cool to like that show, but I do!

My friends had better luck than me at Junktique, but I still had fun walking around and stopping by Oakhurst Market for some organic chocolate milk. It also gave me a chance to show of my new neon laces that I got at Target a few months ago:

I originally bought the laces to put on my oxfords – and I might still do that – but last Saturday I felt like updating my 7 year old Chuck T’s.

Not the most groundbreaking fashion change, but it put a little pep in my step.

This weekend is Steinbeck’s chili cook-off. I can’t wait to stuff myself with chili while drinking cheap beer and hanging out with friends. Any of you locals going?


Dearest Lar,

I wish you could come to the chili cook-off with me! Your new outdoorsy-ish way of dressing would be perfect for an event like that.

You want to know what else is perfect? This tea combo that Lena introduced me to. I think I mentioned it last time we chatted on Skype: raspberry tea + a sprig of mint + honey. It’s delicious!

And the best part is you can make it for yourself in Scotland!

Just one month until I’m in Paris with you!

Love, Cath

6 thoughts on “Junktique”

  1. It totally looks like you took photos on the GG set, Kitcath! I miss Decatur-y things like that so much. I’m sure Edi has them too, but the difference is nobody knows me here – and that feels weird!
    Love the Chuck strings, and the tea idea! I’m totally going to try that this weekend (once I go to the store).
    We should totes start a Paris countdown 😉

  2. That’s my kid’s booth with the bike and the electric car (me in red!). I had a paperback of “water for elephants”, you totally shoulda stopped by. I was halfway into my bottomless cup of beer and we coulda been BFFs.

  3. I like the little pop of color your new laces ad! I kinda wish I hadn’t ditched all my old chucks along the way. And I can’t believe I never heard of the Junktique before! It is right up my alley! Never heard of this chili cook off either. I suck at being a local.

  4. I totally do that with my old Chucks, too. Add some bright laces, and voila– coolness acquired. And when has liking GG been uncool? Does that mean I’ve been uncool forever?

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