Most Delicious Fresh Juice Drinks in the ATL

Hello, Readers! Are there any of you out there that still read this blog for fashion? Again, I’m so sorry this has become so foodie-focused of late. Like I mentioned before, the stresses of moving overseas etc. make me much less interested in trends and shopping, and much more interested in eating lovely delicious foods. I’d much rather wait in line for the best burger or burrito in town than anxiously scan the internets for sightings of Alexa Chung’s latest Madewell line.

That said . . . on to more food! Fruit juice to be exact. I went to Soul Vegetarian in my hood (the West End), Scoutmob in hand, with some of my favorite peoples last week.

Oh look! Some fashion-y bits did make it in! This is what I wore to eat (note loose-fitting dress for maximum eating comfort).

I even made an effort to wear my favorite (and least comfortable) shoes. I’ve only worn them once before: my wedding day.

On Lar/moi: Sunnies from Target • Dress (or quite possibly a shirt) from Squash Blossom Boutique in Decatur • DVF shoes • J.Crew Outlet necklace (if you squint, you can see that it’s made of a series of breast-shaped marble beads – quite heavy – my husband thinks it looks like a fertility necklace. I hope to gawd it is not).

Above is my plate of soul food done vegan (didn’t think that was possible, did you?). I’m 100% not a vegan, but for being without some key ingredients that I usually love, this was a delicious plate of soul goodness. I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed it (see my so-cute-it-should-be-criminal nephew below):

But even if you aren’t a cute toddler or a vegan, you need to go to Soul Veg for their juice bar! I’ve never tasted a fresher more real fruit juice than this. They don’t add anything but a little bit of coconut milk and/or agave. Divine! Plus, they aren’t as crazy expensive as a smoothie you can buy with a bunch of not-so-healthy fillers (Smoothie King, I’m looking at you. Looking at you and frowning).

So, in conclusion, yummy food and drink and cute kids. Great fashion blogging done right, huh?



15 thoughts on “Most Delicious Fresh Juice Drinks in the ATL”

  1. That dress looks AMAZING on you! Wowee. And I actually really enjoy the foodie posts, it’s your blog, so write about what you want! >_<


  2. Oh la la, lady! You look amazing in that dress and your wedding shoes. I love the pretty blue ribbons. Vegan soul food?! I can hardly believe my eyes. And no worries about doing more food blogging than fashion blogging. Even if you wrote about different types of plastic, I’d still come and say hello.

  3. Ana B, you’re the best! Thanks so much for always reading! You must try real soul food and the vegan kind whenever you make over our way 😉

  4. I love this outfit on you!!! The shoulder cuts on that dress are beautiful! and oh so girly with those dreamy shoes 🙂

    Vegan soul food? I MUST try it! though I’m not 100% vegan either, I don’t eat too much meat and wish I could eat veggies in a different way (other than steaming or stir fry, which is all i know how to do!)

  5. Of course I love the clothes, but I am also digging the foodiness of your posts lately! I am being exposed to so much deliciousness. Speaking of which, I hope to join both you and Cath in some good eating soon!

    1. I hope so too Katie!!! We were at Miso briefly last night, and I had my camera in hand just in case you came! I think next week we are going to The Shed. I’ll make sure Chloe texts you!

  6. We have a Soul Veg (East) on the S. Side of Chi-town! (I am a veg.) Their ribs and BBQ protein tidbits make me see God! And their Prince dressing -Lawd have mercy!

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