More Yummy Things: Sweet Auburn Bakery

Readers, may I introduce you to Sweet Potato Cheesecake:

Where can you find this handsome devil-of-a-cheesecake? Like all great places of late (see this post and this post), Sweet Auburn Curb Market. I swear this Market isn’t paying me to gush over it’s vendors. They’ve never heard of AsianCajuns and probably like their anonymity (maybe?), keeps the rent down low. But come on! People have to know about killer burgers, delightful burritos, perfect ciabatta sandwiches, and sweet potato cheesecake!

Another gem to add to the delicious batch of perfect food stalls: Sweet Auburn Bakery.

Sweet Auburn Bakery opened in 2009, and is the sweet tooth’s dream when inside of the Sweet Auburn Curb Market (all the other food stalls are savory). I haven’t tried all their tasty treats, but I dream about the slice of cheese cake I had last week. Locals, it’s the perfect place to take out-of-town guests who want something they can’t get in their home towns. Non-locals, you have to try a slice when you come to visit, okay?

A few of our non-local readers asked about Southern desserts after reading this post. Sweet Auburn Bakery is a great place to start:

1) Sweet potato pie (with or without the cheesecake on top): it’s kind of like pumpkin pie โ€“ a rich-in-spice custard pie.
2) Red velvet (cup)cake: it doesn’t really have a special flavor, but it has a velvety red color and is dense like a chocolate cake, but usually made with a vanilla base and topped with cream cheese icing- yummeh!
3) Pecan pie: when done well, this pie is incredible โ€“ crumbly, buttery crust with pecans nestled in a buttery/caramelized sugar in the middle.

Okay, I promise to stop trying to become a foodie blogger! I think this has been a slippery slope for Matt and I. The more stressed we get before we move (kitchen renovations, visa applications), the more we take refuge in delicious foods close to home. I promise once I move to Scotland (and feel less like a stressed out chicken with it’s head cut off) I’ll do more than just eat my way through the country . I’ll drink too! Haha! Just kidding. I’ll throw some walking in so I don’t die of a heart attack right away.

P.s. Hope to see you guys at Bloomingdales tonight for the Westward (Current Elliot + Kate Spade) party!

7 thoughts on “More Yummy Things: Sweet Auburn Bakery”

  1. ack why do i read this in the late afternoon on the westcoast when my stomach is obviously rumbling? Sweet potato cheesecake sounds so comforting and I’ve never heard of anything like that around here. I do know the chinese and japanese have a lot of sweet potatoe in their dessert so it makes perfect sense. I’ve even had diced sweet potatoe as a topper on sweet crepes with ice cream in Hong Kong.

    have fun at your event at Bloomingdales.

    1. What a good point, Liv! I’m usually kinda negative about Asian dessert, but I really shouldn’t be especially if it’s like sweat potato cheesecake ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Uhm, YES! I’d love to move to ATL and shop shop shop with you!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I sure as heck LOVE pie, and I only recently discovered sweet potato pie and LURVE it! I still have to try the pecan pie– I just can’t push myself to make it since it’s soooooo fatty! I mean, if someone else made it for me, I would definitely have a slice, but when I see the ingredients being put together? oh no. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hahaha! Laura, we will definitely lure you down to the ATL with pecan pie (and sweet potato pie)! xoxo

  3. I’m a cheesecake lover myself, so this sweet potato cheesecake is definitely on my list of things to try. Although, I have to admit, sweet potato seems like a long shot. Anyways, I won’t know till I try, right? And Laura’s right, cheesecake is quite fatty, lol! So I say, run baby run! ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe an extra 1k run will make up for that one tiny bitty slice ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I was unsure about trying it too! But it is quite delicious! I wish such wonderful things weren’t so fatty!

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