Cath and Lar Together Again!

Woohoo! Cath and I are back in the Atlanta together again! I’m back from my honeymoon and Cath just got back in from Chicago. Can you tell we really don’t like being apart? I blame it on our DNA – harhar. The first night I moved into my Edinburgh flat and realized I was three whole miles away from Cath during our junior year abroad, I had a panic attack. I was 20.

And how do Cath and I celebrate being in the same city together again? We drag our friends to a picnic at. a cemetery. Atlanta has some gorgeous cemeteries. Oakland is its most famous, but we prefer Westview Cemetery for its vastness and Corleoni-like mausoleum mansion. And I swear it makes for good picnic-ing. Oh, and coincidentally, it also makes for good outfit shooting.

Cath with her Lykke Li-like bun, H&M romper, thrifted belt, and Mia clogs.

Don’t these look like Swedish Hasbeens? Like everyone else hopping on the Hasbeen trend train, we love how they look and how environmentally friendly they are, but their price tag is a bit steep for us. We spotted these Mia’s on our lovely friend/make-up artist Amy Weissenberg (who coincidentally is Swedish American), and she told us she scored them for $40 on Amazon! Cath followed suit.

Doesn’t the Westview Mausoleum look like the Corleoni’s ancestral home in Sicily? It has a gorgeous chapel inside and lots of creepy tomb drawers. Tomb drawers? I’m sure that’s not appropriate mortuary-speak.

Cath’s romper from the back. Love, love, love!

Our picnic peeps just hanging out by the Carlton family plot. I think they enjoyed the company. (Sorry, was that too creepy?).

Goodies are from our local City Center Kroger, Star Provisions, a bakery in Chicago’s Chinatown, and my brother-in-law’s oven – scrumptious bread!

Cath brought me back some Underberg from Chicago. I’d never heard of it, but apparently it was/is all the rage in Europe after a filling meal. They are alcoholic bitters that you are supposed to chug down to maintain a sense of alertness after a large meal, such as our dejeuner sur l’herbe. I feel positively pop-eyed after a few drops. I wonder what the ingredient listed as “assorted herbs” includes?

Oh, guys, this is my new pups! I mean, Matt has had him for almost a year now (he adopted Matt by giving him sad puppy dog eyes in his backyard for weeks). Blog readers, meet Toby. Toby, meet blog readers. We know he is a mutt of some sorts. We’ve been told he has border collie, chow, and possibly pit bull in him. He is a sweetie, but very skittish as most street doggies are.

My dress is a cheapie from TJ Maxx and my boots are thrifted (Finders Keepers in Avondale).

In this photo (mid-pirouette), you can tell I slipped a pair of unbecoming biker shorts under this dress because it hikes up in the back a bit too much (well, to be fair, I hike up in the back too much, but you know what I mean).

Westview Cemetery. Locals, check it out. Non-locals, do you guys eat in cemeteries too, or is it just us?!

Oh, and. Cath’s back!!!!! (Sorry, still excited about that- even after this loooong blog post).

I hope you guys are having an amazing weekend so far. Tomorrow, Cath and I get to hang out with the lovely Mae Lu from Thereafterish! We’ve been internet buddies for years and now we get to meet! We’ll be sure to take a tremendous amount of photos with this gorgeous lady.




14 thoughts on “Cath and Lar Together Again!”

  1. You both are too cute. I kind of feel the same way when Mel and I are apart for too long. Weird, huh? But it’s a twin thing, I suppose! 🙂 Your picnic spread looked delish!

    xx, becs

  2. lol, I love it when drinks from overseas is packaged with “assorted herbs.” Congrats again and what a lovely picnic spread!

  3. so glad on your behalf for all the exciting things that has happened
    to you. and i love these photos, thanks for sharing them.
    you look so cute and make me long until next weekend when i get to see my sister again

  4. Can’t say I’ve ever picniced in a cemetery, but I’m always open to new ideas! I get to see my sister in 2 weeks and I’m counting the days!


  5. YET MORE we have in common! I love cemeteries! Detroit has so many picturesque ones, and I would love to do something like this with you again next time I’m in town!

    That picture of Lar is so iconic, to me. Shows her bubbly personality through and through.

    Meeting you yesterday was probably the highlight of my trip, girls!

    Thank you so much for showing me the most amazing time!!

    Mae Lu @ thereafterish.

  6. Good move on marrying into a family with a baker. What kind of goodies do you guys get from Chinese Bakeries? I always go for the egg tarts. Those are my jam.

    Good job on doing a legit picnic too. Whenever my friends and I have a ‘picnic’ it’s pretty much just us sitting in the grass. Drinking. With maybe some cheez-its one of us grabbed on the way out.

    ps. it’s late, but congrats on getting married!

  7. I love visiting cemeteries. haven’t had a picnic in one but my mum and I did buy some raspberries & lemonade to enjoy in a cemetery in paris so I guess that’s like a mini-picnic.
    that dog looks lovely, I hate that I can’t have a dog in our apartment! I love them!

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