Can You Guys Tell Us Apart?

On Cath: Blouse, thrifted Ralph Lauren; Cords, Blank; Boots, Frye; Bracelet, Aldos
On Lar: Sweater, Lands End; Blazer, thrifted; Belt, Madewell; Jeans, Blank; Booties, Zara
; Earrings, June Shin

I think I (Lar – the one in the gray) totally takes it for granted that you guys know who is who in all of our photos. One of the weird things about being a twin, is kind of forgetting that you are a twin. I don’t go around thinking that there is another person that looks a lot (okay, sometimes exactly) like me. But at the same time, I tend to always talk in the plural even when Cath is not around, or when said person doesn’t even know I have a twin (“We love gumbo.” “That used to always happen to us.”) In case you were curious, speaking in plural when you first meet a guy realllly freaks them out. There have been many an awkward moment in my dating life – “Oh, oh no! Not you and meeee. We’ve obviously just met. <tense laughter>I have an identical twin!” (The twin thing usually softens the initial panic).

So not only do I forget that I am a twin sometimes, I forget to mention it to people I just meet. A few days later they inevitably run into Cath and confusion ensues. We really never, ever have minded the confusion, but we feel bad because the confused person gets flustered and super-embarrassed. This past weekend at a party, a girl came up to me (whom I had never met) and literally turned white-as-a-sheet when Catherine sidled up to her a few seconds later. She did the classic double take and then spent the rest of the evening avoiding me (mebbe it was the nacho breath who knows) and trying to look at me when she thought I wasn’t looking (“Is that Catherine? Or is that Catherine? What is the difference?”).

So I’m sorry if you guys have been confused! I forget about this twin thing, and I’m bad at it in person so understandably it has taken me three plus years to realize it might be a problem on the blog. When Cath and I blog separately, we’re pretty good at mentioning who is writing the post, and you guys are geniuses and usually can fill in the details if we don’t. But just let us know when we are confusing. Oh! And do leave a comment and let us know if you can indeed tell us apart or not. If you can’t, let us know how we can make it easier (short of major surgery or drastic hair color changes). If you really insist, I will consider growing a couple of inches for you. That’s how serious we are I am!

30 thoughts on “Can You Guys Tell Us Apart?”

  1. I can Definitely tell you two apart. Your smiles are different and your hair is different. Also you have very different styles, both Fabulous !

  2. I can definitely tell you apart. As Emma mentioned you have very different smiles.

    In high school I had one half of a set of twins in my Spanish class and it astounded me that after just a few days of seeing that twin in my class I could tell the two girls apart.

  3. I think I can tell you guys apart.your smiles are different and when you write individual posts, I can tell, but probably not under pressure!

    There were a set of identical twins at my high school and I remember being so jealous of them – double the wardrobe!

  4. I’m kind of proud of myself, I guessed right! But I do appreciate you making a note in each post of who’s wearing what. I agree with Ro, it must be so fun to have someone to share a wardrobe with! This would be a dream come true for this only child!

  5. i also guessed right- but i think it was luck. your smiles are very different though. i do agree w\ the above- having a double wardrobe would be awesome. i have always wanted to be a twin, or have twins (until i had 1 baby alone.)

    when you were little (or now) would you ever pretend to be each other to get out of something or mess w\ people?!

  6. Oooh I guessed right too! I’ve only started following this blog very recently and I spotted the difference right away, so I don’t think it’s super difficult to tell you guys apart. You have very different smiles and facial expressions, though equally beautiful, of course!

  7. I cheated.I know what Cath wore to work today!
    You are lucky you are both so beautiful.who cares if people can’t tell you apart!? No one is referring to one of you as “the ugly one”-that’s fo so!

  8. as much as i read your blog (daily!), you would think i would know who is who. but i NEVER know! i’m always looking to see who wrote the post so i know who it is.because i’m so clueless πŸ˜›

  9. I never get confused. I know your distinctly different styles by now, and Cath has a very different smile than you do, Lar. And if I ever get a bit confused, I look at the shoes, and the posture, and I know instantly which is which. πŸ™‚

    I always think it would have been fun to have had a twin growing up. There would have been much mayhem to inflict, with much giggling to follow.

    Mae Lu, @ thereafterish.

  10. PS I’m hosting a YSL Rouge Pur #131 Opium Red lipstick giveaway at my blog for Valentine’s Day. I know neither of you rock bright lipstick, but if you win, now could be a good time to try bold! Plus it has SPF 8!

    Think about it!

    Mae Lu, @ thereafterish.

  11. Of course I can tell you apart! Cath is the one with the cute smile. And Lar is the one with the. cute smile. Hmm. wait. kidding!

    ps. i got so inspired by those “pop tarts” you had on a previous post that I made some. Will have to post a picture soon. ♥ you guys!

  12. I can’t tell you two apart unless you identify who’s writing the post. *blush* Shameful for someone who’s dating a guy who has an identical twin! You both look great here; love the way you’ve used skinny belts to define your waists.

  13. I can tell! We have twins in my family, so it’s a bit less difficult I think, when you’ve grown up with several pairs:) And it’s always helpful with the author of each post labeled!

  14. you do have slightly different styles so that helps but you’re right, in photos with you both it gets a bit tricky.

    glad you shared with us your twin experience. I always wondered what it would be like to be twin sister

  15. Loooove these outfits!!! I usually cheat and just look at who’s posting before I even start to read hahaha. I know I know shame on me. but now that I really look you girls seem to have two different hair cuts.

  16. I read your blog all the time, but I can not tell you gals apart when you post separately. But when you are in the post together, I can tell who is who.

  17. haha, is it weird that I don’t really worry much about who is who? You’re both awesome;)

    I blog with my sister too, and don’t worry at all about having readers tell our entries apart. It’s like there’s just extra me running around, even better!

  18. haha that’s great! I used to wish I had a twin so we could pull all the cool twin stunts like dressing the same and tricking people, or having the other one cover for you or something (I read the Double Trouble books when I was in elementary school). To be honest, I don’t usually know who is who unless I read it in the post πŸ˜€ hehe

  19. love the outfits you’re wearing here. and oh i can tell you apart, you’re not that alike? anyways i love the whole idea of you blogging together. its great

  20. Yup, I can definitely tell you guys apart. I’ve been reading your blog for a year now but only started commenting recently. I tell you gals apart by your smile – Cath usually has a wide, cheeky grin and Lar has a shy, sweet smile. =)

  21. Ooooh, I can tell you guys apart! πŸ™‚ I have friends who are also twins, and I’ve learned to pick up on the slightest differences in their facial expressions!

  22. Haha. Love it! And I can totally relate (obvi!). Hmm, I think at first it was hard to tell you apart, but now it’s so easy! When Mel and I first started blogging, people thought we were one person and would be all confused. Too funny! But Mel and I are fraternal and people still think we’re identical!

    xx, becs

  23. I agree with most of the other comments, your smiles are different! Isn’t that a lovely way to tell you two apart? It’s so much better than saying you have a mole and the other one doesn’t. Cute!

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