Help Us Choose Cath’s Maid of Honor Dress!!!

So this whole low-key wedding/elopement involves a surprising bit of event planning. I know most of you are like “well durrr, Lar, we could have told you that.” but I think part of me thought I could get away with just doing the fun stuffs: making some simple decor, eat some cake, buy a dress(es), etc. Oooo how wrong I’ve been!

Luckily Cath’s dress is on the fun side of the planning, and having you guys help us out will make it all the more awesome.

A little background for you:
I want Kitcath to be comfortable and as the atmosphere will be very relaxed and informal, we aren’t talking ball gown, but a spring/summer cocktail dress. The images below are the inspiration: vintage, washed out colors, relaxed cut, something she can wear again – for reals (I’m completely blanking on the sources for these images, if they are yours, let me know!).

Exhibit A:
From Modcloth, it’s a dusky dusky champagne pink with some interesting pleating going on at the bodice.

Exhibit B:
Also from Modcloth, this dress is a more coral pink. We would accessorize it with a sash and some flowers and a not black bra.

Exhibit C:
Our last contender is from Madewell, it needs some steaming because the crinkles distract from the details on this dress. Cath would probably have get it taken in around her ribs too so it was quite so billowy on top. It’s a dusky gray/lavender in person.

So which one will it be?! Let us know which is your favorite and why by leaving a comment.

This is totally like Say Yes to The Dress, minus the drama and the money and the overly emotional family members. Win, win, win!

Thanks for your help, guys! We can’t wait to read what you think!

70 thoughts on “Help Us Choose Cath’s Maid of Honor Dress!!!”

  1. Ooh! They each have good points! I really like the color and skirt of #2 best on Cath. #3 looks like it’d have the most versatile re-wearability, and would be comfy at the end of the wedding day (not that the others wouldn’t be). #1 looks a little too fussy, and Cath doesn’t look as comfortable in it as the other two.

    Have recently gotten married, and recently been in other people’s weddings, a comfortable dress that doesn’t wrinkle easily

  2. Sorry, hit “Submit before I meant to!

    The whole last sentence:
    Have recently gotten married, and recently been in other people’s weddings, a comfortable dress that doesn’t show wrinkles easily gets higher marks than others! (Being able to re-wear it, a definite plus.)

  3. I think dress #2 is REALLY pretty, but I don’t know if it fits the style that you guys are going for (from those inspiration photos) but I like it best out of the three!

  4. i LOVE #2! i agree with the comment above that it photographs best. also, the color and stle look great on her! i definitely think some type of sash or belt is needed though.

    something like this:

    scroll down on this one:

  5. I like the color of Dress 3 best, and the shoes that go with it. It’s in need of some altering to fit you better, but assuming that’ll get done, #3 has my vote! It just seems the most classy, and the darker color makes it seem more formal to the untrained, male eye. And although it’s hard to tell with the filter on the images, I think it is the most flattering for your skin tone.

    1. Also, I feel like Number 3 could be dressed down, so it’s more practical in that you could actually wear it out, long after you wear it at the wedding.

  6. Dress 2! I think it’s really flattering on, and it’s more “tweakable” (as in. you can style it in more ways!) than the other options. The color is great, too!

  7. Dress number 2 is my favorite! It’s also the most similar to the inspiration dresses. It also looks comfortable and movable.

  8. If these are the absolute 3 to choose from.I say dress #2. But to be quite honest.I think you could find better! I may be more convinced on the dresses once they’re fully styled, but I think you ladies could find better.

  9. I think I may be the only person that liked dress #1 the best. I feel like #2 is too similar to your skin color and it kind of just blends in. Additionally, I think #1 is most similar to the inspiration pictures and would be a great dress to wear again (nice dinner, stroll in the gardens, weekend getaway out of town, etc). Also, pleats and a straight cut skirt won’t go out of style.

  10. The coral Modcloth dress or the Madewell – but more so the coral one! 🙂 you can do a lot of things to style it different – a bow belt, layered necklaces, etc!

  11. I like #2. It is stylish and sophisticated. It is feminine without being too girly and less fussy. I can see wearing it again for both day and night events too.

  12. Oh I adore you’re letting us help out. I have to agree with the majority on this one. Dress 2 is stunning, it’s simple yet the layers on the skirt makes it so interesting! It would definitely look gorgeous with the final jewellery/hair etc.

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