Little Black Dress Experiment: Day 20

Hello dear readers! We’re glad you all enjoyed our travel guide on As I mentioned in the previous post, Lar and I have been crazy busy, which means we haven’t been able to blog as much, which means we’ve been cranky. But you know what’s helped? Your comments and the chance to participate in the Little Black Dress Experiment.

Dresses gifted by Ann Taylor. For other outfit details, see the full post here.

For the month of August, style bloggers from around the country have been showing off how to style this gorgeous Ann Taylor dress (psst! the link gets you a coupon) and we were invited to represent Atlanta – woot, woot! Click here to check out our post and the other 19 stylish girls that have participated.

FYI to our Atlanta fashionista readers: a new Ann Taylor concept store is opening up in Lenox. We’re going to explore it soon and will let you know all about it.

15 thoughts on “Little Black Dress Experiment: Day 20”

  1. These outfits resonate with the artistic sensibilities you’ve displayed in other posts here. I love them. You look great and you totally rock out the Ann Taylor LBDs. Great job, both of you. I can’t decide which outfit I like better. Both are phenom!

  2. Took an AC suggestion and am enjoying a sticky cinnamon bun at Wildflour in Charleston. My traveling companion, who also happens to be my mama, is as grateful as I am for your great taste.

    On a post-related note: great bags and props for being recognized!


  3. I love how you both styled it differently and both are gorgeous. I can not wait to see the post. Will check back later as I could not link at this time 🙂

  4. Sorry I haven’t been around in quite some time – Missed you gals! And wow you seem to be just getting better and better with each post, taking on Anne Taylor, Glamour, etc. Keep it up!!

    LUSTY xx00

  5. Aw, you both look so fabulously chic. There are too many fab things going on in both your looks. Love that Lar pulled off the waist bag! I couldn’t pull it off, but it pairs well with the dress and her boots. And Cath, I love the idea to pair the dress with a blouse underneath. smart styling idea!

    Congrats on the Glamour contributing article too!

    xx, becs

  6. Hey Cath,
    thanks for your comment! Unfortunately I didn’t really do a lot in Atlanta I had to do a lot for university and the weather wasn’t that good so I tried to keep myself indoors :/

  7. I’ve been seeing the LDB experiment all over the place, and I love how you two styled it so completely different than each other. Your two personalities are so distinct and very, very easy to determine between the two of you. I love the funky flare Lar brought to the table. And Cath’s lady like charm is always refreshing.

    I love it!

    Mae Lu, thereafterish.

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