Books and peas and butter

Books and clothes don’t seem like much of a combination, but they’re two of my favorite things. If you made me choose between the two, I wouldn’t know what to do.  Lar and I grew up in a house filled with books and our mom got us hooked on reading at a young age (John Bellairs books used to be our favorite summer reads – pre Harry Potter goodness). It freaks me out a little when I go into house that doesn’t have any books. How is that possible?

In the photo below, I’m standing in my parent’s current library/sitting room. They gave away most of their books when they moved down to Atlanta last year, but with monthly trips to the local thrift stores, book sales, book festivals, local book signings and indie book stores, we’re building the collection back up.

Outfit details: Shirt from Evolve Boutique, Asos denim pencil skirt and Seychelles heels.

It’s that time of the season where I start getting really sick of the clothes I have. My summer work wardrobe consists of a small rotation of sleeveless shirts and skirts. Maybe once the summer sales start I can stock up on some floral pencil skirts and cute silk tanks.

I think I’ve shown this necklace on the blog before. The pendant is a prehistoric squid fossil. Don’t believe me? Call Vivid Boutique, they’ll make one for you!

16 thoughts on “Books and peas and butter”

  1. Pingback: Diy Funny Life
  2. I could never choose between books and clothes either! But I think I’d lean towards books. BTW I voted for you guys as best local bloggers/blog in Creative Loafing’s best of Atl :~)

  3. wow, u guys have quite the collection! i think it’s great that ur family build the book collection together:) ur necklace is a fossil?? that’s awesome! it would make such a unique gift, too. thanks sharing the link!

  4. ps i am having a giveaway for shabby apple. since you did one and i am sure you would love a chance to win one yourself. come on by and enter! good luck!

    and have a great weekend ladies!

  5. man your book shelves are always so nicely organized! Which 501 verbs book is that? Italian? Kudos on your parents for giving away books. Anyone who helps me move HATES me after the fact-books are probably the only thing I can’t get rid of.

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