Alexander Wang Inspiration: 40-54°F


I’m not super crazy about Alexander Wang’s velvety/goth look for the fall (see the complete collection here), but I do love the deconstructed suits and drape-y sweaters. Plus, there’s no denying the fact that Wang is probably one of the most popular/well-known designers of the moment. So in honor of all things fashion week(s), Wang’s show is the inspiration for our Outfit of the Week. . . this week. . .

Everything pictured below is under $100. Velvet might seem a bit heavy for the spring, but it’s still February, we did have snow IN ATLANTA less that two weeks ago, and the mornings can still be a little chilly. So, I think velvet is a perfectly appropriate material for Atlantans in February. Who’s with me? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

15 thoughts on “Alexander Wang Inspiration: 40-54°F”

  1. Well, the old fashioned gal in me thinks that if velvet is getting worn it’d better be before March . so go for it! Also that gray Wang cardi is absolutely mouthwatering.

  2. I’m loving the suggestions. I have a blue velvet skirt that I’ve had for a while and I’m glad to find some inspiration to wear it again!

  3. Velvet is a favorite of mine, and I particuarly like pairing a classic black velvet jacket with jeans and nice boots.

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