Valentine’s Day Inspiration: 41-52ºF

I like Valentine’s Day regardless of whether or not I’m in a relationship and despite the fact that it’s nothing more than a greeting card holiday. However, I’m not big into wearing a lot of pink – especially when dressing up for the evening. So when I saw this outfit on I thought, “If I had all the money in the world, I would buy that outfit for Valentine’s Day.”

Well, I don’t have all the money in the world, but I do have a Polyvore account! This outfit is a little skimpy for the weather in Atlanta this week. I’d probably wear a coat – or two – over the jacket.

Valentine's Day

17 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Inspiration: 41-52ºF”

  1. i am not a pink wearer either! and i dont really care for the holiday all too much either. but i do plan on looking fabulous! cute outfit pick!

  2. ooooh I love the dress in the top photo. amazing. and I am very glad that you mentioned actually having a specific outfit for Valentine’s Day. I had totally forgotten about it!

  3. I like it!!! I am not a big fan of pink also but for some reason I own tons of pink clothing article. I would definitely wear something like that, maybe over the weekend.

  4. great inspiration photo. love the white cute dress with the leather jacket! how are you gals? im busy working. no energy for blogging. plus i only wear boring clothes at work jeans and the work colours. blue and white haha. im at a pharmacy. for a week and two days. cant wait to get started on my new styling assistant job for siljes fashiON. xx ediot

  5. I love it, but yes it way to cold in Atlanta these days, I mean how do you stay warm I look like a bear walking around in my jacket:)
    I do have you guys on my blog list but I never get an update or something , I always have to look for you guys. Do you know why??

  6. I like non traditional Vday wear too. Though sometimes I cave and wear red or pink.but usually I end up changing.
    Love the set you’ve put together!

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