Puffy Sleeves


While in New Orleans, Cath and I were attracted to the same small, dark and handsome knit dress. I think it all had to do with the puffy sleeves (a big selling point for us since we were three). 

You might think as twins one of us could purchase the dress, and we could share it. Nope. We don’t share. I know that’s disappointing to most people, because that’s one of those assumed perks of being a twin: twice the clothes, twice the shoes. It just doesn’t work like that. Every (and I mean every) time we try to share, we want to wear that one item the same exact day. A fight ensues, and someone ends up feeling very put out.

The lesson learned? Buy two of everything.

Look how happy we look when we don’t have to share:


As you guys have surmised from this blog, we also have different styles. We thought we would take this puff-sleeved opportunity to show you how we style the same item of clothing.

Belt and leggings from Tarjay, shoes are Dulce Vita via Eviva. 



Belt and shoes are Tarjay, skirt is from Anne Taylor (about nine years old- eesh!), feather earrings are June Shin


Oh! And we also have different size feet. Mine are nearly a whole size larger than Cath’s. No shoe sharing. I know!! Where’s the justice in that? Though, come to think of it, we’ll probably be even worse about sharing Louboutins if we ever get the opportunity.

We hope you guys had a wonderful weekend! We spent ours at the Decatur Beer Festival and getting to know the great people behind 944 Magazine (more on that to come).

33 thoughts on “Puffy Sleeves”

  1. Loved the photo of both of you in the dresses- they look cute and comfy! Hahaha soo agree on the not sharing thing. Bec and I have run into the same issues before when trying to share- it just doesn’t work. And when Bec borrows, I always stress to her not to mess up my clothes because I’m pretty anal when it comes to maintaining the pristine condition of my clothes! I’m also a half shoe size bigger than Bec. Hope you ladies have a fabulous week ahead!

    x ws x

  2. You two are adorable! I have a sister 2.5 years younger than me (six months is a long time!), but we’re the same size (including feet! pretty much) and we do share everything. Living in separate places makes it harder now, but sometimes we just pick a couple items to borrow until the next time we see each other. It’s pretty fantastic. I will definitely miss that when I plan on moving out to the east coast after graduation.

  3. You guys are crazy adorable, that dress is so fantastic on both your bodies.amazing! I have a twin brother, but I feel like my sis and I are more like twins and just like you guys we have such different styles. I love the way you guys changed it up, it looks so different on the both of you! Adore as always!

  4. I nearly died when I saw that first picture, you are both super cute. I understand about the not sharing thing, I wouldn’t share either, and I am sure it makes you closer because of it.
    I can’t belive God constructed to beautiful Asian Cajuns at once.

  5. I don’t blame you for not sharing – I wouldn’t want to, either. ESPECIALLY since you have such different styles and work in such different environments. The dress looks fab on you both!

  6. You two are BOTH so adorable! I love the first shot of you together. And what a great dress! I love how you each have styled it to make it your own.

  7. That dress looks gorgeous on the both of you! I love that it has such a stunning detail (the sleeves) but is still incredibly versatile. And yeah, I just know that if I had a twin, there’d be no sharing involved either. But then again, if you buy your own items, they’ll also last twice as long! Hope you have a lovely week ahead!

  8. you guys have the best festivals out there!!!

    I love how you both styled the adorable dress! I’m bad at sharing too.I think it’s because I am an only child!

  9. I like that two people who look so similar have completely and unalterably unique styles. The styles are not dissimilar, but they are not the same by any stretch. I also adore that you covet your own closets even to the point where you do not share with your own twin. I daresay I’d be the same way!

    LAR: IRYC (in response to your comment on Thereafterish.): I totally concur about them aging a lot but not being nipped and tucked–something I hope Mr. Pitt does not do. People keep on talking about botox and actors like Courtney Cox end up going overboard, and you see them not being able to lift their eyebrows properly, and you have to think that there is just something inherently unnatural about doing something like that–even in the name of beauty. Ever see women who are addicted to facial surgery? They look like geckos. It’s frightening.

    I also can’t wait to see the film! But first, I have to see Where the Wild Things Are! I have lupus, so I can’t sit in freezing theatres for hours at a time without serious joint pain. Then there is also New Moon–and I haven’t even seen Harry Potter 6 yet! Ah me!

  10. Aww you guys are adorable! And I totally feel ya on the not sharing thing. Sometimes sharing is not caring! My sister and I also cannot share clothes! Oh poo. 🙂

  11. I love your blog! It is perfect. And exactly what Decatur needs. You are going on my blogroll today!

    So great meeting you guys! I live in Decatur too, so we need to stay in touch and go out some time!

  12. You guys are SO funny! it is the first time that I heard that. Seriously? I understand what you say but couldn´t you get to an agreement on when each could wear I item? You could have more things!!
    B* a la Moda

  13. Love the pictures of you two. Love your blog too. Very inspiring.
    Hope you had a great day today, wasn’t the weather just perfect here in Georgia.

  14. I am a follower now, I used to be but something happened and I was not getting updates on you guys, I was wondering where were you guys. I guess now it is time to catch up.

  15. you girls are too cute! I don’t share my clothes either.there’s just something about clothes that I don’t want to share! haha. I love both of the ways you styled the dress 🙂

  16. aww thanks for the sweet comment! it was a car accident no bueno trying to move on but my halloween costume is Taylor Swift and the bf is going to be Kanye West 😛

  17. I have never been much for sharing clothes though it helps that my sister and I have such wildly different taste that I can’t imagine her envying something I have.

    Love how differently you both styled this.

  18. i love this! i think you two should do more posts like this one–where you style the same thing different ways. really shows off your individuality and creative eye(s). 🙂

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