Hey, Mr. Postman

So a few weeks ago my new Norwegian Wood Corset reminded me of a Sargent painting, today it’s my bf’s hat (and mustache) that reminds me of a Van Gogh painting. I think I’m a little starved of art history classes (it’s been a few years since university), so I hope you guys don’t mind me getting all Sister Wendy on you (Don’t know who Sister Wendy is? Go here and listen to her tell Bill Moyers about art. You’ll be a changed person. Or at least entertained by a nun- I swear).

My bf is less hirsute than Van Gogh’s gentleman, and their hats differ in design, but they relate as a portrait pairing. Or maybe I just really, really like men in hats (and mustaches) with a hint of fauvism. Rahhh! (cat claw motion).



image credit


Let me know when you guys get tired of the art history lessons. Working in design I don’t have much of an outlet for my secret desire to just sit in museums all day and drool at paintings, so it seeps into this “fashion” blog.

Happy midweek! It’s almost almost Friday!

22 thoughts on “Hey, Mr. Postman”

    1. He does indeed, Lesley! He started out using the classic Clubman’s Mustache Wax, but he found that any small amount of hair pomade will do. I want to get him some that looks like it’s from “O Brother Where Art Thou.”

  1. He he he. His mustache is so cute.

    I love Sister Wendy. Have you seen Simon Schama: The Power of Art? It’s on my netflix queue, and I’m wondering if it’s any good.

  2. i too agree—so van gogh!!!
    i really do enjoy your art history comments.as i too got my BA in art history.and went on to get my MA in museum professions, concentrating in museum education. *sigh*
    p.s. that is an impressive mustache!

  3. I’m telling you guys, a mustache like that takes dedication. You totally have to get over that ‘what’s that on your lip?’ stage. Co-sign on the Civil War cap.

    Oh and keep the art history lessons coming-I only had an introductory course.all I can remember now is ‘ceci nes pas une pipe’

  4. Great pic of your man and his stache! Yes, do tell us how long it takes him to style his facial hair like that and if product is involved. πŸ™‚ Happy Hump Day to you and Cath!

    xo, Becs

  5. My my what a stache! My ex has a stache, but it is not nearly so curly. They do do a Mustache Party every year though. It’s quite an interesting shindig.

    1. Thanks for asking, Linda! I’m a graphic designer. I spend nearly all my waking hours sitting in front of an iMac or Macbook Pro.

  6. He is too cute, the mustache twirled at the ends so perfectly ! And I don’t mind the art history lessons at all, keep them coming:)

  7. i am sure i have menitoned it before, but i am definetly in awe of his mustache! How fantastical! Love the hat too, I don’t think anyone can be bored of art history.

  8. i love the art history! it’s like a very high-culture influence into your fashion, which is great and unique to you. keep it up!

  9. Aw, we love the lessons. It gives us something to appreciate other than pretty pictures of outfits and fashion! Which is something I crave! πŸ™‚ Thank you for the brainy gift! πŸ™‚

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