Alice + Olivia, F. Scott + Zelda


On our drive down to New Orleans today, we took our lunch break in Montgomery, AL and stopped by the F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald house museum. I had no idea the couple lived in Montgomery, but apparently they did – in a lovely, large, upper-middle class house. More on the museum in a later post. This post is about something more frivolous: boots!

A few weeks ago I found these Alice and Olivia for Payless boots online. I tried to refrain and even held off from buying them for two whole days, but finally gave in. Afterall, I do need some new boots for the fall/winter.


Close-up of my new boots, standing on F. Scott and Zelda’s floor.

I didn’t really intend to bring them with me on our NOLA trip, but right before we left Lar said it’s suppose to be rainy all week. And there’s nothing better than a pair of boots to help you stay dry. So I paired my brand new boots with an outfit that I originally intended to wear with sandals. It looks a little Marc Jacobs for Perry Ellis/Doc Martens-esque, but I was willing to try a non-me look for a day that was spent mostly in a car.


Miss Selfridge dress, UO bag, Alice + Olivia for Payless boots, leather cuff borrowed from my bf.

I don’t have a good photo of it, but the soles of these boots are bright pink. Pretty sweet, no?

Stay tuned for more posts of our travels around NOLA!

32 thoughts on “Alice + Olivia, F. Scott + Zelda”

  1. I really like Alice + Olivia, almost everything they’ve done actually. and I think your outfit looks more interesting with the booties than it would probably have done with sandals. You got the dress in the UK? I wish we had Miss Selfridge’s here!

  2. Fun fact- My great-great-aunt went to boarding school with Zelda and they were pretty good friends. Since my family is from Montgomery I’ve heard a few entertaining stories about Zelda throughout my life.

    1. Actually, the museum doesn’t have much money, so only about 4 of the rooms are used as a museum. The rest of the house in divided into apartments and rented out. Hopefully someday they’ll have enough money to use the whole house!

  3. Who would’ve thought Mr. Fitzgerald lived in Alabama, of all places? The south still remains uncharted for me.but if F.Scott and Zelda could do it, it can’t be that bad, right?

  4. so jealous! i don’t think we got the A+O collection up here. both lisa and i tried ordering online – but silly payless doesn’t ship to canada. i hate when that happens.

  5. Love the boots, Cath!
    And so with you on boots in the rain. I know it’s only water but I can’t stand them to let my feet get well, definitely no open toe shoes in the rain – yuck.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip 🙂

  6. You look so cute. The boots go perfectly with your dress. Are the boots comfy with the platform/wedge? I went online a few days ago and those were sold out. You’re lucky that you got them!

    xo, Becs

  7. The boots with the swingy vintage quality/attitude of the dress are a nice juxtaposition of the tough and girly that makes your funky fresh personality. I like it. I agree with CoutureCookie up there. Definitely a more fun vibe than would have if sandals were in the equation.

    Did you totally squee when you were visiting the museum? I’m a fan of the Fitz.

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