Fashionista Fundraiser for Endometriosis Awareness (Part Two)

Cath and I wanted to thank you again for reading my first endometriosis post on Monday. Your comments have meant the world to me. Not only has my fight with endometriosis been a physical pain, it also leaves me feeling pretty low emotionally for at least a week each month. Getting people to talk about it diminishes it’s ability to frighten me and isolate all of us who share the burden of endo. So thank you and thank you again.

We are continuing our fundraising for Endometriosis Foundation of America through next week. Other lovely ladies in the blogisphere are involved. Check out these fabulosas fashionistas for the cause:
• Diane of Snapshot Fashion
• Maegan of Love Maegan
• Jen of Jennifhsieh

If you’d like to donate to the Endometriosis Foundation of America with us, just click this link HERE.

Speaking of fashionistas and fun facts (unrelated to weighty issues), here is one for you: use what’s on your dinner plates in your outfits. I’m sticking broccoli in my lapels next. Yes? No? I’m thinking organic broccolini might set off a gray blazer nicely. I kid, I kid. mostly. Pad Thai-er-ific:


Dear Cath,

I know we think you might also have endo cuz mom had/has it and I have it — sharing the same DNA seems like a bad thing at the moment. But! I’ve been reading! And there are some studies that suggest that epigenetics (gene expressions that can switch things on and off in your DNA — I think. Dr. Matteo, is that right?) might have a role to play in endometriosis. And that means that maybe because of environmental reasons and what have you, you might NOT have endo even though we share the same genes. Isn’t that amazing?! Okay, yes we have the same DNA and grew up in the same environment, but we are different people and so (as proved by epigenetists) that means we won’t always be identical — which I usually hate, but in this case — woohoo!

Talk to you on skype sooooon! Wish us luck as we schlep our boxes to our new flat this weekend. I’ll take pics of our new (incredibly humble) abode once we have keys!



8 thoughts on “Fashionista Fundraiser for Endometriosis Awareness (Part Two)”

  1. I didn’t get a chance to comment on the original Endo post, but wanted to say I think it’s awesome you’re sharing your story. Chronic pain is hard enough to live with, but then to find doctors who know/understand/want to help beyond just prescribing meds is actually pretty difficult and frustrating as well (especially as women, since there’s still a stigma of “it’s all in your head” — ARGH). I was also wondering if both of you had Endo – it fascinates me that you don’t!!! In any case, hope all you lovely ladies have a fabulous weekend! (I’m seeing War Horse tonight at the Fox — SO EXCITED!)

  2. Just read about this. You rock, Lar! We are should stand up and fight for these crazy things in life. You have my full love and support!!


  3. My friend just told me about your blog and I’m so glad I found it!
    I’ve recently relocated to Edinburgh as well (Oct 2011). I’m proud of your bravery against endo. My friend back in the states has the same struggle and had a lot to go through when she got pregnant.

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