(Finally) An Outfit Post!

Ramona West dress worn as a top • second-hand necklace • Forever 21 pants • Seychelles shoes

I know it’s been forever since we’ve had a good ol’ fashion outfit post on here. There’s a couple reasons for that:

1.) Lar and I have been posting photos nonstop of our time together in Scotland where we didn’t really care too much about what we were wearing and were more focused on just being together! In the same country!
2.) We’re both feeling like we’re going through personal style changes – becoming less focused on fashion trends (more on that in a future post). There are only so many times you can walk into a H&M or Zara and feel inspired, especially when you realize shopping at those places makes you look like everyone else.
3.) It’s hard to get motivated to take outfit photos when you’re tired of your old clothes and don’t have the money to buy new items. I’m going to be doing a lot of thrift store shopping for any fall and winter clothes I need.

I actually took these photos before my trip to Scotland and only realized this week that I never posted them. The dress is one of the many clothing items Lar left me when she moved away last year. It works so well tucked in as a shirt because it’s so long I never have to worry about re-tucking it even though the pants sit low on my hips.

I’d like to say that I cuff all of my pants because I love the look, but it’s mostly because I’m too lazy to get my pants hemmed or hem them myself. And given the fact that I’m short, ALL of my pants need to be hemmed when I buy them. So let’s just pretend I’m right on trend and cuffing really isn’t the lazy girl’s solution to hemming!

Speaking of trends, I went to the grand opening of the C Wonder store in Atlanta a few weeks ago and man, does that store have it figured out! As soon as I walked in I thought, “Holy, moly! I want everything!” It was all so bright and cheery and filled with every item that captures today’s fashion zeitgeist: tassel loafers, silk shirts, arm party bracelets, monogram charms, envelop clutches. . . The list goes on and on:

I know, I know. This post is turning into a bi-polar mess. First I say that I’m no longer interested in trends and then I say how much I loved the C Wonder store because it’s so trendy. Well folks, I blame it on our consumer culture and my weakness for silk button-ups. At least I actually didn’t buy anything – just oggled at all the shop’s goodies.

Speaking of goodies, June Shin, local talented jeweler, is hosting a contest over on her blog for her new jewelry collection. Help her come up with a great name for her new collection and you could win one of the pieces! I’m trying desperately to think of something creative because I have my eye on this Ruby Chains beaut below:

For more info on the contest, visit June’s blog.


Dearest Lar,

It was such a treat to be able to text you today. For some reason I just figured even the cafes on Hydra didn’t have wi-fi. I still can’t believe that you went hiking and had to pee in nature – the horror! And you had to shower with water bottles? It’s beginning to sound more like a camping trip than a luxurious beach vacation. But, as long as you’re having fun and getting some good relaxation time, then it’s all worth it. I seriously can’t wait to see photos of all the donkeys you say like to mosey about town.

Sorry this post is all over the place! I still want to write about you taking me to Falko and eating yummy German pastries, but that will have to wait until next week – when you’re back in Scotland with wi-fi 24/7. Yay!

xoxo, Cath

12 thoughts on “(Finally) An Outfit Post!”

  1. i love this outfit cath! so bright and fun!
    and you have inspired me to do an outfit post too.i feel like i haven’t done one in AGES. i just feel like i have been wearing the same boring things lately. some fashion blogger i am.*sigh*

  2. Ahem. I know all too well about the pant cuff. 🙂 I am such a lazy lazy person when it comes to sewing stuff for myself or fixing things so they fit me better. Even “short” length pants are too long for me, so I either buy capris or CUFF them! AND instant chicness! hahaha.

  3. Hey Cath and Lar! Loved this post and your reasons for not doing a recent outfit post. Sometimes, well most times, we get so caught up on trying to get the outfit pic that we miss out on life stuff. Mel yells at me all the time about that when I ask her to take my outfit pic. 🙂 And I love the cuffed pants. C Wonder looks amazing. Those tassel loafers are my favorite! Hope you two have been well. The bond you both share is so amazing and always makes me smile.

    xx, becs

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