Food and Fashion

I thought it would take me weeks to recover from last Wednesday’s amazingly delicious and amazingly filling dinner. Turns out my stomach (and liver!) is more resistant than that. Troy and I have been eating our way around town for the past week more than usual, which is saying something for us. There was day drinking at Steinbecks (home of my all-time favorite Chinese Breakfast), sushi at Sushi Mito (all the way out in the ‘burbs!), Corner Pub last night (thanks, Scoutmob) and Miso Izakaya (of course).

Outfit details: Primark cardi, Madewell silk tank, Forever 21 pants, Target belt and Payless shoes (Lar’s).

This is all to say that it’s pretty amazing that I can fit into any of my clothes still. Enter my Forever 21 trousers! I’ve loved these pants ever since I bought them last year. They fit perfectly except the waist is too big – great for days when I feel like I could use some extra, uh, room in the waist area.

For the record, these are one of the many great pairs of shoes that Lar left me when she moved to Scotland. She wore them to our cousin’s wedding (you can see here) with a red dress and looked gorgeous.


Dearest Lar,

I just realized that I never sent you a photo of Toby’s graduation from Jabula Dog Academy. These two pictures actually capture his graduation perfectly. He was well-behavied and obedient when the instructor made him sit to get his certificate (see left hand photo) and then seconds later, terrified for no good reason (see other photo):

Okay, but regardless of his random moments of being terrified, he’s much more mellow. I think the obedience training really helped him. Here’s what he usually looks like now (alert, but happy):

I wish I could bring him with me when I come visit you in the summer!



13 thoughts on “Food and Fashion”

  1. I love, love, love your outfit, Kitcath! And those photos of Tobs made me tear up a little. You and Troy and the best parents a puppy could ask for. Every time I see him on Skype he looks soooo happy.
    p.s. I need to invest in some stretchy pants post London — good lordie there is a lot of good food there ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Miss you so much, Kitcath!!!

  2. Cath you are looking so lovely! I absolutely adore your outfit here, loving the bright pink! Which reminds me, I think I’m gonna need some of that in my wardrobe this spring ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. I’m loving the bright outfit on dreary days like this. makes me crave spring so bad!

    And congrats to Toby! I’m not really a dog person, but when they’re obedient and well-behaved, it makes all the difference.


  4. Ugh I have the perfect pair of pants too that are too big at the waist. I wish I could do something with them but then, like you, I remember my love of big dinners and leave them alone.

  5. Cath! It’s been a little while; sorry I’ve been MIA from commenting recently. LOVE your colorful look, esp. the addition of the yellow belt. Aw, Toby is so cute. I love the letter you wrote to Lar!

    Hope all is well!

    xx, becs

  6. ummm can I have those shoes? No, really? please? LOL!!! I love them, and I am so jealous that you Lar was able to get them! I totally missed out.

    Love the pants, too.and boy do I know the feeling of needing a little extra room hehe!

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