How To Make Green Juice

We’ve received a few requests about our green juice, so here’s the lowdown.

For those of you who think this looks disgusting and would rather stick to your chocolate turtle mochas (my favorite! it’s like desert in a cup for breakfast!), I totally understand. But seriously, green juice is quite tasty and instead of depleting your bod (but you taste so good Mr. Turtle Mocha!), it gives you tons of nutrients without making your body work so hard — by juicing, your body doesn’t even have to break down the fiber to get to the good stuff (wait, isn’t fiber good stuff? Yes! I’ll get back to that in a sec).

First things first, the recipe:

Our juice recipe is inspired by Kris Carr. You can of course change up what goes into your juice. When we run out of stuff, we just use what we have. We’ll also save broccoli steams from the previous night’s dinner and juice those.

If you want to see a juicing recipe in action, here’s Kris Carr making juice, not war:

No juicer? No problem!
You can make delicious green smoothies instead! There’s a great veggie-full green smoothie recipe at the bottom of this Crazy Sexy Life post.

Why bother with a juicer? Can’t I just stick to my blender?
Most definitely. A green smoothie is still uber healthy and nutrient-rich. A smoothie is also great if you need something to last you a little longer — it’s got more yummy fat from your avocado and vegan milk. The upside to juice is that it gets rid of the fiber so your body can absorb the nutrients better.

So where do you get your fiber? You eat whole veggies (and grains and legumes) in your other meals. I originally thought “ooo look at me ‘eating’ veggies in the morning, I don’t have to eat another veggie all day.” Sadly this is not the case — you are adding more delicious veg to your diet with juice (yea, you!), but you still have to eat your solid/whole veggies too. So it’s really a win-win once you get over the fact that you didn’t cheat the system (fist shake).

What do you know, you’re just a blogger!
Exactly! I’m not telling you to do this or that it is scientifically proven to enable you to climb mountains in a single leap and turn your pupils into rainbows and sparkles. Matt, Cath and I thought we would give juicing a go and see what would happen. So we’ve been drinking green juice every morning for five weeks. Usually that’s all I have for breakfast, but then I’ll have a snack before lunch (I tend to eat about every 2-3 hours). Matt eats museli and Cath eats oatmeal in addition to their green juice to get them through the first part of their day. By drinking it in the morning I definitely feel more awake and energetic. It’s not like caffeine with its jolt/instant stimulate. The energy I feel from the green juice is more continuous and never gives me a sugar crash.

We decided to blog about it just so those of you who want to try it, feel a little more encouraged. If you talked to me just six weeks ago, the idea of drinking leafy greens for breakfast would have made me look at you funny while I reached for my buttered crumpet and scrambled cheesy eggs. So I know a little information can help you get on your way.

So how about it? You guys gonna give it a go? Let us know and let us know how you feel!

Oh and don’t forget to enter our Shabby Apple Giveaway in Cath’s post below (if you don’t, I’ll be forced to post more fishy-face photos of myself on models’ bodies – creepy!):

Don’t you love “my” outfit? It’s from the Shabby Apple Inca Trail collection.


Dear Kitcath,

I wanted to play Shabby Apple dress-up too. I think you look so much cuter, though I do have to say my background is better. Funny how Edinburgh can sometimes look like a dessert, huh?

Can’t wait for our skype date this weekend!




9 thoughts on “How To Make Green Juice”

  1. Lar, I am going to have to try your green juice recipe! (I’ll be posting my green monster recipe on le blog next week) I must get a juicer soon since I really love thinner drinks and need to un-fiberize (is that a word?). I’ve been drinking my green monster for breaky for about 1.5 weeks now, and I really love it. It fills me up for 3-4 hours and then all I want to eat after that is healthy food!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  2. I make green smoothies all the time – not juicer required. This morning I did one with spinach, beets, and oranges. It was basically awesome. and I was never a big beet fan! I also love to mix sweet potatoes in mine. Perfect way to start the day. 🙂

  3. I would think you’d still get plenty of soluble fiber. But either way, I’ll stick to my key lime daiquiris–they are green, too.

  4. What kind of juicerdo you guys have? I don’t know about the celery part, but the restore the juice looks good! 🙂

  5. I actually made the smoothie version since I don’t have a juicer and it turned out surprisingly yummy! I used green apple for the fruit component. It kind of tastes like an avocado shake, minus the super sugary-ness of a shake. Today was day 1. I plan on making a big batch and keeping it in the fridge. I also ordered the book Crazy Sexy Diet. I don’t do diets, but this one is intriguing to me and makes a lot of sense: eat more veggies & fruit! Thank you for sharing this and introducing me to the whole concept. Cheers to being healthy!

    1. You welcome, Q! Thanks for checking out our blog! I hope you enjoy Kris Carr’s book. It really changed the way I think about food!

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