Edinburgh is Sparkly — Even Our Occupiers

Here’s another postie to get you into the holiday spirit via Edinburgh! The public lights are especially beautiful — my photos don’t do them justice:

(Below) Isn’t this so cheery? You can grab a piece of pizza, hop on a stationary, vintage, double-decker and gaze at the castle in the distance (can you see it under the lights — it’s silhouetted against the dusky sky):

And I love looking into the shop windows. Most of the stores would make mincemeat of the contents of my wallet (ewww), so I make do with pressing my nose to the glass and taking covert pictures:

I love this combo of minty green, white and gold. I’m soooo stealing that for my decor next year — I even have the white owl already from this year’s loot. Christmas score!

And now this is most impressive. We still have occupiers in Edinburgh! It has been incredibly windy (up to 90 mph wind gusts) and snowy and rainy, and our occupiers are still here! They have an informative and frequently-updated website if you want to read more about the them.


Dear Kitcath,

FOUR more days. Matt and I just figured out the perfect distribution of blankets between our two sleeping areas to keep us all warm and snug in our flat. Your room does have the drafty chimney, but it has lots of twinkly fairy lights to compensate for that.




6 thoughts on “Edinburgh is Sparkly — Even Our Occupiers”

  1. OMG, I’ve been missing from the blogging world (created a whole new blog) and I’ve missed reading both of yours! So much to catch up on! Hope you’re enjoying the holidays in your new home Cath!

  2. so last night i had a dream that the asiancajuns (plus matt) came to visit me and my husband. i kept trying to guess who is lar and who is cath.and i think it totally annoyed you both. matt’s stache was very small and not handlebar-ish.and my husnband (who in real life wishes he could grow one just like matt’s) kept asking him for tips.
    such a WEIRD dream.

  3. I love how christmasy this post is! I do really feel you have to feel quite cold and blustery for it to feel like Christmas – just perfect.

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