An Outfit and Ab Fab, Sweetie

Here’s an actual outfit on this here lifestyle-used-to-be-more-fashiony blog! A nice way to ease into a busy holiday week. talking about scarves and Ab Fab!

About the Outfit
Most of this outfit is Madewell. There are times when I’ve walked into a Madewell store (in the states) and have been a bit disappointed with the $100 thin acrylic sweaters they have, but generally their clothes are really made (fairly) well.

For instance these skinnies are my favorite pair of jeans ever: they hold their shape and their color even after a year and half of lots of use and washing. The jacket isn’t thick, but it keeps out the wind — Scottish wind! And now this wool scarf — my most recent purchase. It also looks thin, but because it’s made of wool, it keeps my neck uber warm — and the colors are gorgeous. The green version of the scarf is currently on sale at Shopbop, but I think this red/gray version is sold out.

Jacket, scarf and skinnies are Madewell • St. James shirt • Frye boots

About Ab Fab
Do you guys remember me mentioning The Lady magazine in this post? Well, I did a little happy dance in the Tesco magazine aisle when I saw these ladies gracing the cover. Apparently Ab Fab is coming back this holiday season with three new episodes!!! Eeeek! So exciting!

Cath and I started watching Ab Fab with our mom on PBS way back in the day. I know the show never really took off in the States and I always found that kind of disappointing. Anybody else an Ab Fab fan out there?

Happy Monday, Sweetie Darling(s)! I hope this week treats you well and isn’t too holiday-hectic.



Dear Kitcath,

See what I did? I brought back Ab Fab for you, just in time for your visit!!! I know the first show airs on Christmas Day – yipppeee!

I wanted to show you where Matt and I are shopping — it’s even cheaper (and greener) than going to Asda:

Do you like my Brussels sprout bouquet?

FIVE more days until PAREEEE!!!!




15 thoughts on “An Outfit and Ab Fab, Sweetie”

  1. 1. I love all things Madewell (except the prices).
    2. Beautiful scarf!
    3. I want a Brussels sprout bouquet.
    4. I hope you two have the most fabulous time ever in Paris!


  2. Aww you are so adorable Lar, love the photos of you in this post! I love Ab Fab and I can’t wait to see the episodes air over Christmas. I always used to think that Brussels sprouts look odd when bought on their stalks. You look so happy!

  3. your outfit is so great! i *heart* your boots! and yay for brussel sprouts! my parents grew them in their garden this year.and i didn’t know that they grew on huge stalks like that. yummy!

  4. Lar, I love it when you duckface!!! 🙂 heeheehee. Good to hear that that gorgeous and fashionable scarf keeps you warm! Looks can be totally deceiving.

    I am so envious of that ginormous Brussels sprouts “bouquet!” I am such a HUGE lover of that veggie. I can eat it everyday. No joke.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  5. I’ve been reading your blog for ages, and I’m so glad your Paris trip is coming up!! I moved to Paris from Texas 3 years ago. If you’re out of ideas my friends and I run a tips website for expats. Check it out, and happy travels!

  6. I love Ab Fab. My Mom used to watch it with me and my siblings but my Dad could never understand what they were saying. I just heard the announcement on Graham Norton on BBC America and I think we get a rebroadcast in the US after Christmas for the three episodes. I can’t wait.

  7. good to know Madewell has nice stuff. I’ve been tempted by their stuff often but was hesitant to order online (we don’t have their stores here in canada) b/c i didn’t know about the quality. how is the sizing for petites?

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