Exploring Edinburgh: Calton Hill

H&M scarf • J.Crew puffer • thrifted purse • Next pink jeans • Frye boots

Like any good exploring adventure, this one starts out with the requisite outfit pic and. food! Matteo and I made it half way to Calton Hill before we decided it was best to stop for a quick bite (he also let me stop at every charity shop along the way – so I think he deserved at least a cuppa!).

We pottered into Henderson’s at St. John’s. It’s a vegetarian café in the basement of an historic church, right in the heart of Edinburgh. I had the frittata:

I think Matt must get so sick of me taking photos of him, but he is usually the one stuck with me all weekend! Look at those stone vaulted ceilings:

And just outside of Henderson’s is a beautiful cemetery:

This is the view southward from the church/café grounds:

You can also get a beautiful view of Edinburgh Castle from the park by St. John’s. Isn’t it so lovely in the autumn sunlight:

So after a stroll post-lunch we finally ambled over to our intended destination: Calton Hill. You can see it behind Matteo’s head (below) — see those bits and bobs that look like Roman ruins? Well, they aren’t exactly Roman, but they are meant to look like classical relics. Most of the monuments were built as memorials around the early 19th century:

You can get some lovely views of the city from Calton Hill (and it’s much less of a climb than Arthur’s Seat — much more my speed). That’s Leith and the Firth of Forth (watery bits in the far background) behind us, so you’re looking north west-ish.

And what about this view?! That’s Edinburgh Castle to the left on the hill and New Town to the right of that:

This is what the “ruins” (monuments and observatories) look like on the top of the hill:

This is the oldest observatory tower built in the 1700s. (Matt thought he was being sneaky and getting out of the shot– but I got him and his Remembrance Day poppy – muahahaha!):


Dear Kitcath,

Here’s our twinsie skype photo! Skype stripes:

Still not seeing you in person is so hard! Only one month left to go!!



13 thoughts on “Exploring Edinburgh: Calton Hill”

  1. even though you are wearing a puffy coat you look so chic 🙂 haha
    i just can’t get over the amazing scenery there. amazing pictures!!! i was actually thinking of you this weekend.anthony bourdain: no reservations (a repeat i have actually seen before) was in edinburgh.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when you do these adventure posts of yours, Lar! I love seeing the beautiful architecture, the landscape, the delicious food, and the gorgeous you! Those pink jeans are so adorable!

  3. I think that a vegetarian restaurant even EXISTING in the basement of a historic church is worth mentioning! Love seeing your adventures abroad — and that AMAZING mustache!

    Also: That Skype pic is so cute it’s killing me.

  4. how picturesque! I love that photo of Matt trying to duck out of the picture.

    Glad you’re getting some sunshine over there in Scotland. I imagine the winters are similar to what we get here on the west coast of canada.

  5. . I was just looking for the names of the monuments and observatories. Anyways, I don’t know who you are or where you’re from but that mustache. is AWESOME!!!

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