Back in Atlanta: My New Hat

So a new hat isn’t as exciting as a new apartment in Scotland (see Lar’s post below), but I’ll take what I can get. I’ve been trying not to spend any money on clothes to help save for my trip to Scotland in December (I can’t wait to see my sister!). However, being the self-respecting fashionista that I am, I’ll splurge every once in a while – responsibly.

I was at Tarjay the other day when this hat caught my eye. I’ve been looking for a wide-brim fedora, plus I had an American Express giftcard, which means it was FREE! That, my friends, is some satisfying accessories shopping.

Troy and I have been working late this week, which means it’s usually too dark to take outfit photos once we get home. We were trying to find the best light in the house. Not a lot of options in a 900 square foot house. There’s the living room/entry area (above) with yellow-ish lighting. Then there’s the mini-hallway (below) with not enough lighting and baseboards partially chewed on by Wheatie.

Outfit details: Tarjay hat, New York and Co. cardi, Squash Blossom top, bib necklace from some children’s store in Las Vegas, The Limited skirt, and Frye boots.

Anyone else going to the Decatur Craft Beer Festival this weekend? Lar actually did the logo for the festival this year. I love it! And she gave me the two free tickets she got for being the logo designer. Woohoo!

Thank you Lar! I’ll get you a Beer Fest tee and glass!


11 thoughts on “Back in Atlanta: My New Hat”

  1. Eeps! LOVE your hat — the entire outfit too!– Kitcath! I’m looking for a wide-brimmed fedora too, but I can’t decide if I also want something that covers my ears (for that Scottish wind). Do they make ear-flap fedoras? 😉

    Missss you so much! I hope you and have a blast at Beer Fest! Love you! xoxoxoxo, Larbar

  2. Cath, that hat is so cute! I’ve been wanting a hat just like that for so long now, but my head is extra roundy huge so I’m sure it won’t fit me! pooooopy. Your outfit is so darling too!You kinda look like a fashionable Lady Indiana Jones, ready for Adventures in Style! I see you’re having trouble with lighting/ootd photos too! It’s nice that your co-workers (and Troy) take pics for you. I have to bribe my husband with tasty dinners 🙂
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  3. New hats are ALWAYS exciting, esp if they are virtually FREE.

    I love your look, too. It’s so playful yet kind of European and mysterious. LOL. If that makes any sense!

    Lighting issuses: try upping the ISO on your camera (I’m sure it has that setting), and then maybe increasing the aperture of your lens? If you don’t have manual settings on your camera, there’s for sure an ISO setting. If you set it at like 600 or 800, with a steady hand, you can get more light in your photos. It might be a bit more grainy, but it will definitely help you out.

    I think your hallway is a best bet, but you’ll need a tripod and a flash to get the best photo. I do it in my house, which is totally dark, in front of my adobe red wall, and most of my photos come out fine, without flash!

    Mae Lu @ thereafterish.!

  4. Don’t you just love giftcards? They always make me feel so much better about spending money (I tell myself that it’s just wasting away in my wallet). The hat looks fantastic on you- I’m hoping that it’ll still be around Target the next time I get paid!

  5. lookin snazzy, cath 🙂 btw i have the same problem with taking photos in the evenings. if your camera has this setting, try the tungsten setting on the white balance – it neutralizes all the yellowness!

    xx, lin

  6. You can’t beat a free hat! Looks really cure on you. No Beer Fest for me–by the time I found out when it was, it was sold out! Have fun!

  7. I might show up if a free ticket finds its way to me! I had no idea Lar designed the logo. It’s super cute. Also, I love your hat!! Super fun 😉

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