Our “New” Flat/Apartment

Why helloooo again, everyone! It’s so nice to hear from you guys again! Thank you, internet gods!

It seems I’m not the only one “borrowing” my neighbor’s wifi because in the evenings it slows to a crawl. So Matt bought me one of those dongle-thingies (sorry, I’m such a ludite!) and now I have not-too-slow internet without the sense of guilt. Woohoo!

Oh right, on to more interesting things — our “new” flat. I say “new” because it was built in 1896! I’ve never lived in anything so old. In fact I spent most of my life in an 1980s home, so this is pretty fantastico in my opinion. So the bathroom is a little tiny (thanks for all your tips by the way!), it certainly makes up for it in every other way.

We have tall ceilings, beautiful crown molding (drooool – my favorite!), a huge kitchen with a lovely intensely green view of our shared garden/courtyard. It’s even got this very strangely tiled fireplace either from the 30s or 80s, I can’t decide which. I also can’t decide what the owners of the flat at the time were thinking when they picked the tile (Gray, pink and gold! Winning combo every time!). It’s actually growing on me, to be honest.

ps- Doesn’t that vase thingie look suspiciously like a funerary urn? Our landlord left it, and Matt and I just worked up the courage over the weekend to peek in. No ashes! Phew! Still slightly sinister, non? I moved it into the box room (We have a box room! I feel so pre-1940s British!).

Ah, but one of the real treasures of the flat is that it’s furnished! Considering we only took clothes and toiletries with us, this is a huge relief. Instead of being stuck with loads of Ikea furniture (what I’ve lived with the past 5-10 years), we have some lovely pieces from our landlord that look like they are straight out of Jeeves and Wooster. I’m still waiting for Stephen Fry to wake us up with breakfast in bed.

We also lucked out with not having too many flights of stairs to climb at the end of the day. We are on the second floor (third floor in American speak). A few flats we looked at before finding this gem have been on the 4th/5th floor and I feel like I’m climbing Everest.

These photos were taken about an hour after we moved in, so forgive the lack of decor. I am an intense nester, so changes have happened already, and more are on their way. However, I do have a few crimps in my decor dreams:

1) Money — dang it! Why do I never seem to have enough. Plane tickets, visas, food. must you be so costly?

2) Existing decor. I didn’t show you guys the less-than-lovely purple and teal loveseats.

3) Plaster walls. I can’t really go poking lots of holes in the plaster without making much of a mess — so I’ll have to get creative with hanging implements.

4) Trying not to acquire too much. I don’t know if it’s from months of purging while I was prepping for this trip, or the fact that all I have now fits in two suitcases, but it actually makes me anxious to shop for new things. Even though we signed a year lease, I still kind of feel like I should be ready to bolt with two suitcases if need be. Weird, right? I hope I get over that soon.

5) Being clueless. In my new surrounds I have no idea where to buy my crafty basics: spray paint, masking tape, measuring tape, thrifted lamps, slipcovers (apparenty, not a popular concept over here) etc.

Okay, I’ll stop my mumblings, but I warn you that there might be future posts on my nesting habits — hope you don’t mind. I tend to get more domestic when I go through a wonky transition (like moving countries).

Happy Tuesday/Wednesday/Hump Day!!


25 thoughts on “Our “New” Flat/Apartment”

  1. Hi Lar,

    Are there any flea markets there? I know in Berlin and across Germany, there were weekly flea markets

    After our move, the apartment is still in a shambles, mostly because, with two households coming together, it seems we have too much! I’m kind of jealous of the space you all seem to have!

    1. Such a good idea, E! I haven’t seen any flea markets the past few weekends (is it the rain?), but I know the church ladies around here do some inside once and a while. Genius idea!

    1. OMG, Thom! I can’t believe that I didn’t check first thing. maybe I need to put some fur coats in first.

  2. hey! great shots. it looks like a nice place. oh and i have to say that last photo is really interesting, matt looks statuesque almost.
    hope you’re settling in good, it’s always fun to move i think and to redecorate.

  3. A great way to deal with plaster walls are these velcro hanging strips by 3M. I use them on my walls because I hate holes, and they’re a lifesaver. Doesn’t remove any paint either.

  4. Lar, the architecture of that building is so charming! (and I mean it in non-realtor speak! It’s truly gorgeous!) The ceilings are beautiful and those stairs! I’d climb stairs if I had to climb those!

  5. I love your new flat and the furniture is very nice. Just put out a lot of flowers and it will be tres bonne! I know you will make it yours.

  6. Lar, thanks for this update!You’re so lucky to have some of these unique pieces from the landlord – i think this place will look stunning by the time your’e done diy-ing your way through it. Europe is so exciting and I’m sure you’l pick up the most unique items throughout your visits and travels to nearby towns and countries.

  7. It looks lovely, you’ve done so well just in a very short time!
    I totally understand your feeling of having to be ready to up and go quickly – it’s normal! In fact the same thing happened to me, got married, moved countries due to spouse’s job and rented a place. I compromised a lot because it didn’t make sense to accumulate stuff when you might have to leave pretty quickly. But then, we decided to prioritise what we felt we had to do to make it ‘our’ home even if we were there only for a short time. So that’s what we did and in the end stayed in the same place for a decade! I know another lady who bothered to put pictures up and table cloths on the tables only after years of renting.

    Don’t know how you feel about being an expat, don’t recall you mentioning that word but there must be a pretty strong and active network of USA expats in Ed. you could get some great advice from about everything?

    I KNOW you’ll make the flat a gorgeous place by the time you’re done and by then, hope you’ll feel a lot more settled.
    I do love that fireplace too! Invest in throws if you can’t find proper slip covers for sofas and chairs. I love using thrifted lengths of materials and lace for this.
    Look forward t o more updates!

  8. omg, I loooove old apartments (flats hehe). I always complain to my husband about the houses in Atlanta. (Only been here a year) I am just a California city girl, and in the the heart of LA the houses are OLD craftsman homes.I love them! But everyone here lives in these new sub-divisions. not my favorite. Though, I did find some really nice places in the Highlands area.

    Anyway, LOOOVE everything about your little flat ESPECIALLY the furniture. I am sure you’ll figure out what to do with those not-so-lovely love seats LOL!

    p.s. I usually go to TJ Maxx right here in Fayetteville a.k.a. The Boonies.

    Eboni Ife’

  9. I read about charity shops online so there is probably something similar with goodies near you guys. Try craigslist if there is a Scottish version and you will probably get some store ads and some private ads.

    I actually have plaster walls so I wanted to say try command hooks and screws. Nails usually don’t stay well in plaster but screws sit tight. Command hooks are great because they don’t tend to pop off if you get the right weight limit and you can hid them behind pictures.

    Love the molding!

  10. I have no idea but I’m sure you could find a bunch of great pieces and decor in antique stores there, or estate sales. But I think you’ll need to Google hanging pictures and what nots on plaster walls. I think you’ll find solutions.

    If possible, I think you could DIY a nice slip cover for the purple and teal sofa. but it’s pretty fortunate that you were given most of your furniture without having to buy any. I’d just freak out about using another person’s old mattress. (That’s just ew.)

    I love your place! I can’t wait to see more.

    And please, please, please show us soon! I want to see progress shots. LOL.

    Tiny bathroom makes me sad. πŸ™

    We’re in purge mode, too, but I won’t be anywhere near being in 2 suitcases only mode, even though we’re moving across a country/ocean, too. We’re shipping a bunch of our furniture (Dining Room Table, work desk, pictures, clothing) because apparently you can get the tax write off if you ship your home goods, but not if you buy new. Sad times. But at least we’re shipping our high quality stuff and leaving our Ikea crap behind at my mum in laws. πŸ™‚

    Sending you lots of love.

    Mae Lu @ thereafterish.!

  11. Not sure what a “dongle-thingie” is but I am happy for your improved internet access! I’m sure you’ll find a way to work with some of the less-than-optimal existing decor, even if it is purple and teal (really??). Can’t wait to see the nesting pictures to come! Nesting could really help make it feel more permanent, I’m sure!

  12. I know exactly what you mean! Since moving to Providence, my apartment becoming my home has been at a slow, drawn out pace. I love love your Scottish apartment, though–especially the furniture and crown molding!

  13. Lar!!! The warm weather in Chicago was a fluke, I think, because it’s now super cold again and I am down with some sort of bug πŸ™ I’m so sad that you can’t get your Mexican fix over there! You shouldn’t dabble with packaged taco seasoning in the first place!!! πŸ™‚ They always disappoint. Making your own mix is much, much better!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

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