Hello Fall!

It’s finally fall here in Atlanta – at least for a few days. I mean, it’s been downright chilly at 65 degrees! Perfect jacket weather – my favorite kind of weather. To celebrate, I wore the TopShop jacket Lar got me in Scotland last year.

Outfit details: TopShop blazer, Gap blouse, Limited skirt, Aldo shoes, Vivid Boutique necklace, cuff from a boutique in LA (forgot the name) and Kate Spade purse.


I can’t wait for this weekend. Our cousin Genn is getting married in Maryland, so we’ll be having some great quality family time for the next few days and eating lots of Chinese food. Lar and my parents flew up to D.C. today and I’ll be joining them Friday morning. Lar brought her computer so we’ll be blogging from our home state!

Of course this means we won’t be in town for Fashion’s Night Out – bummer. Any of you Atlanta fashionistas attending the local FNO events? They all look like so much fun – especially all of the pop-up shops. Let us know if you go! And FYI: Shopbop is selling the 2011 FNO gear here. I’ve had my eye on the printed shortsleeve tee – it’s very Suno-esque.

I have to finish up this post since its past midnight and I need to start packing. Lar was able to fit a week’s worth of clothes in a carry-on so surely I can do the same for five days, right? Here’s hoping!


13 thoughts on “Hello Fall!”

  1. It’s not yet jacket weather here, but I’m not complaining! Soon enough there will be 5 feet of snow on the ground! Have fun at the wedding.


  2. im not ready for fall yet. i’m still in summer mode. but it is still high 90s here. but the nights are nice and cool. you are looking fab as usual!!!

  3. Can’t believe no one has commented on the Wheatie picture? You’re shoes are GREAT, but they aren’t THAT great! Wheatie, and his little strawberry-blonde ‘stache, are GREAT!

  4. You look lovely- that blazer is such a lovely gift from Lar! Guess she will be bringing you back some treats from Scotland when she returns for visits eventually! I’m sure you’ll be visiting her too 🙂

    Have fun with the family/wedding!

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